BDP and drug abuse

13 years ago I was spiraling down with depression self loathing and self harm and of course drugs and guilt, rinse and repeat. Quit cold turkey and didnโ€™t know that one bad desicion would take me back to those days. Iโ€™ve been using for 5 months now, talked to my family to get help and went to the psychiatrist. Iโ€™m currently fighting it and failing and still trying. Today is my number- 1 -day again. I hope I can say tomorrow is day number 2.


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

Today is a great place to start.

Come over and join us on the 100 day challenge :slightly_smiling_face:
(We aim to stay sober after, it helps to get that first few months going on our recovery journey)

Also many of us check in daily here :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the community Elissa
You are among friends hereโ€ฆ very supportive community. Hope to see you around. Great work on working on your day 1 :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Today is a wonderful day for day 1. The key is just dont use. Distraction on here helped me get thru the first few hellish days. Ive stuck around because this fun, supportive community has been a lifesaver. Stay away from triggers.

Have you had a professional substance use disorder assessment? One that uses ASAM placement criteria?