Checking in daily to maintain focus #66

Brilliant @james83 . Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


120 days AfmfA
(4 months mark is stated tomorrow)

Wow so many posts in this wonderful thread, hard to get them all. Happy about everyone sober or returning to sobriety (as I noticed some people these days). Welcome home.

Its rainy.
I am some kind of romantic.
But not with a guy.
With life and perspectives somehow.
With beauty.
What a soft unviolent feeling :tulip:

Got my swim in this afternoon, not at the “dangerous” location.
Very relaxing.
Very nice on my own, lol :swimming_woman:t3:
Very brilliant pace I am proud of :muscle:t2:

Much love :heart:


Congratulations on your 4 months sober today, tomorrow, ODAAT.
So nice to have you back where you belong.


Thanks Julia, so much appreciation for you guys🙏


Thank you :pray:


Thank you Daniel, appreciate your reply.
Guess I need to keep on working on better myself.

Edit: and massive congratulations on your 38 days of course. Take care of yourself friend and I hope you get the rest you need.


Wow day 24 of your personal challenge already - it seems to have gone so quick.

I think you handled this situation well.



Thank you Jasmine for encouraging me.
I’m more on the quiet side here but I appreciate all your caring replies you send. You are amazing!
Big virtual hugs and a huge thank you!!!


Congratulations :clap::clap:


You are a :gem:


Thank you Bill, means a lot :pray:


Congratulations on your 5 months :fireworks::sparkler::star::sparkler::fireworks:


giphy (4)


Had a good day! But Im feeling super fatigued, a bit light headed, and a little dizzy. I dont understand why. I feel like ive eaten enough but maybe Im not? I need someone to do a proper calculation of my BMR to make sure that i am eating enough for my level of exercise. I keep getting different answers on various websites when i do it myself.

I went to the gym today and then came home to do a load of laundry. Also began working on my sons bday cake/cupcake decorations. Got the hot wheels fondant race track loop done, 2 giant fondant tires, and 6 fondant cupcake toppers done so far. It was fun! Played a couple games of Monopoly Knock Out with my son once he got home. Had supper. Cleaned up. And thar brings us to here lol Im ready for a shower and bed. Hope everyone is doing well!


Hell yes!!! Congratulations on 10 months!!!


Day 2400.

Not sure this is really much a milestone so much as it is an even number. Regardless it kinda snuck up on me. Sometimes it feels like it’s been a lot less time.

I’ve noticed my desire to have space and to isolate are kinda blurring together. Space is good. Isolation is not. Feels like posting here will be a way to connect. Any of the loungers already know but my stress is high and my capacity low. Usually this makes me shitty to deal with. Today, however, through some self awareness I was able to not get reactive, angry or argumentative with anyone. It feels like a win, but also drains me at this point in the day so now my mood is pretty low.


Sorry to hear that Derek. It’s a hard spot to be in, dispirited and drained.


Im sorry ur having a hard time lately Derek. I do want to congratulate u tho on ur 2400 days of recovery. Honestly… with everything uv been thru lately, i applaud u for doing it clean and sober. Its not easy at all. I hope u are able to find some time for urself, to be able to find some peace in everything right now


So true! I’m always trying to think of an excuse, to justify why I’m not drinking, I’m on medication, cleanse etc. I like your freedom to say I don’t drink. I’m looking forward to getting there.


Checking in at the end of day 18.

Hectic day. Thoughts of drinking popped in my head. I kicked them out, prayed and focused on the consequences and how far I have come thus far. All in all thought it’s always a good day when I am sober.

Have a good night everyone.

“Throw your back into it like your life depends on it. In many ways, some more literal than others… it does!”



Thanks for the feedback @acromouse, @MrsOdh and @JazzyS. And thanks for being here all. We’re in this together. I did talk to my manager about my unhappiness in my current work, and although there are no solutions at the moment (except get another job, which of course is a possibility), it’s still good I did and I feel a bit better this morning as a result. Indeed I tend to bottle stuff up Aga, it’s he little kid in me that doesn’t trust anybody so won’t share anything either. Who thinks he has to do it all alone. Sharing here helps me greatly with finding another healthier way. And you all play a big part in that. By being here, by sharing, by supporting. Forever in your debt. And in my heart.

One day of work before four days off. Yay. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Let’s keep going. Good days and less good ones. Congrats on your milestones @Juli1, @happyfeet, @Lighter. Good to see you here @Englishd. Love to you all .