Beating addictions alone

So I have been sober of meth for 370 days. It’s been hard and challenging but I’m doing it. I also stopped drinking almost 4 months ago. There are times where I cry for no reason. I was swarmed with massive emotions and sadness. I have drank since I was 12 and being sober of alcohol is the hardest. I don’t know what to do for fun and I get sad and have major cravings especially now in the summer time. I’m doing this alone. I quit but my husband still drinks and I watch him get drunk and makes me wanna drink. Any suggestions. I’m pretty strong at saying no to meth but it’s the drinking I’m having trouble with.


Have you thought about a recovery program like: SMART, AA, Recovery Dharma?

It gives you, if nothing else, a group of people that know 100% what you are going through. That group will be more than just people you know from a meeting. They turn into friends, family…


Oh my goodness, this sounds like a really tough situation to be. You’re doing amazing and sound so strong. Can you get any support from your local community, a recovery group or a trusted friend?
Keep going, you are winning :1st_place_medal:


We have to have fun and make some friends in recovery otherwise it can be miserable and lonely and as addicts we would rather be miserable, lonely and HIGH/DRUNK. I made some amazing friends in an IOP program the next town over and by going to NA meetings. I took up a service commitment so I have to go to at least that one meeting a week. I’ve gotten to know and love a lot of the women there and it holds me accountable in my recovery. I see the girls from my iop at least once a month outside of the group setting and we go on coffee dates, hikes and go to meetings together. It has been a game changer to have sober women in my life. I never had friends of my own outside of my using friends so I’m learning boundaries, how to have fun without drinking/using and how to be a good friend. I know how hard it can be to put yourself out there or to actually call somebody when they give you their number but I encourage you to do this as it has helped me so so so much in my sobriety. Much love :two_hearts:


In my town no the na meetings here are full of ppl who don’t want to be there and are court ordered. I could find dope there easy is what I was told. I have to stick to online support groups and I thought this place would be a good place to go. I want to thank you all for your input! I like places where I am not the only one who has messed up.


This place saved my life, I will for ever be greatful