Beating myself up again

I drank on Christmas Day myself. Beating myself up emotionally. Really ashamed of myself. Will be day 3 tonight. Trying to pull myself out of the gutter of depression. Time to regroup. Get started again. Think positive. And watch my number climb. Thanks everybody. I needed to vent.


Day 3 with resolve is a lot better than not even trying. Chin up…


One of my favorite quotes from the Netflix Castlevania show is “Don’t be sorry, just be better.” Which I think sounds mean, but which I take to mean: there’s no sense kicking yourself when you’re down, just pick yourself up, figure out what you’ve learned and focus on doing your best to improve. Sometimes, for me at least, I get so busy kicking myself I don’t have any legs left to stand on and that’s no good at all for my recovery, you know?


I like what you said. Thank you very much.

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Thank You.

Hey bud! Welcome back. What kind of program/routine do you have in place to support your sobriety? Lots of resources here. How can we help?


I understand that feeling but beating yourself up won’t help. Making a plan, accessing resources, that will actually help. We are here to support you :purple_heart:


Beating yourself up will only keep you in that dark place, day 3 is brilliant keep going your doing great :slightly_smiling_face::people_hugging:

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I really dont have a routine or anything yet. Just my strong desire to stop is helping. Been watching videos of drunk people getting busted etc. I dont have a car myself but this helps. Realizing how much money alcohol has cost too. I am trying to save money to move to another state next year. Not drinking will help me save more money.


Thank You.

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Remember, you do not ever have to feel that way again. That is truly one of the gifts of sobriety. We can leave those horrible feelings of guilt and shame in the past. So glad you are here. :heart: