Beauty in sobriety

What a great post. And yall are hilarious. Sobriety does make a huge difference in our mind, body, and soul. I look forward to getting my laughter, great skin, and creativity back.

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hopefully my liver is looking better


hahaha you and me both

Some great ways to speed up the ‘feel good/ look great’ process is to incorporate apple cider vinegar and coconut oil into your daily routine.

These two low cost items can make a significant impact on your health if used consistently.

Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) is great taken both internally and externally. Here are just a few of the many benefits of adding one of natures miracles to your diet:

The acid in ACV binds to toxins which assists in removing toxins from the body. ACV’s potassiums content also helps to break up collected mucus in the body thus assisting in clearing the lymph nodes. Alcohol and other drugs CAUSE mucus in the body so by breaking this up you’ll also notice it also helps clear out the sinuses and you’ll breathe better. This acidic beverage causes your body to become alkaline further improving digestive health.

Energy Boost:
The potassium and enzymes in ACV will give you an energy boost! Just add some ACV to a glass of water (I add a drop or two of stevia for a more tea like taste) @Steve92, this is a perfect alternative to those energy drinks you quit!

Whiten Teeth:
Mix a spash of ACV in a glass of water, swish, then brush as usual. The bacteria-fighting power of ACV is an added bonus too!

Now Coco oil! One of natures greatest gems!

Incorporate CCO in your diet and health regimen as much as possible and you’ll glow from the inside out! I can’t even list all the amazing benefits of natures greatest beauty product! Here are some links! I also ‘oil pull’ with coco oil, this keeps teeth white and mouth clean and germ free!


Creativity! Thats one of the most beautiful things one can wear… that and a smile!


You and me both! I added some links for some stuff to incorporate! They really help when used consistently ! Coco oil is one of my BFF’s!

I’ll have to give it a shot!


Lol! Yes! I take my daily ‘shot’ in a shot glass! Its a nice contrast to what I used to consume that was killing me!


Love it! Putting shot glasses to good use.

@Naturehippy what does “with the mother” mean? Also I always hear great things about ACV but never gave it a good run. Maybe I will try to incorporate it into my morning routine that I have established. Thanks for the links :smiley: my gf just bought me some coconut oil for my skin she says it’s good for my mild acne we will see how it goes

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That gf is a keeper lol
"With the mother" means with all the stuff that’s floating around in it- that’s the good stuff with living goodness
Braggs is a good brand
Try it! Be consistent! Blow your mind!

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I love coconut oil…use it for my skin and oil pulling for my teeth. Makes a huge difference.

Mix your morning coffee grounds with some peppermint essential oil and coco oil and you have a lovely “awakening” coffee scrub :heart_eyes:

It’s amazing how enjoyable the little things are when your not nursing a hangover :star2:


And what do you scrub with that concoction? Lol


Me too <3 thanks for the lovely post

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@alpine_1975 That’s a whole other addiction :wink:


Kim, you can do this! BTW you look beautiful, don’t let alcohol take that from you


You’ve never had a coffee scrub?! Really?! Your whole body! Scruffs off the dead skin cells and gets rid of cellulite! Natures spa treatments are the best! People spend so much $$$ for fancy scrubs and lotions when you can make your own superior stuff with stuff from your kitchen! You should surprise your wife and make her some! Mind blown!

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Sugar and shower gel scrub, sea salt and olive oil scrub, Epsom salt and vanilla extract bath, etc. I love having a spa evening at home and not buying anything expensive to do it.

Thanks for this note!