Becoming Clean: quitting marijuana

I plan on quitting soon, I have a plan! I made this account in anticipation of that and I will renew this thread once I start :sunny:


No better time than now :wink: . Welcome to Talking Sober friend. Keep us posted!


Welcome to Talking Sober. Looking forward to hearing about your journey! :star_struck:

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@highintensity There is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday—we can only take action in the present. So do it now, this very second! :slightly_smiling_face:


Today was my last day smoking. I had a half a bowl and wasn’t even worth it.
I have CHS and didn’t accept it for 8 years plus. My body is so broken down over how sick I would get. Monday-Thursday this week I was so sick I didn’t eat for three days and threw up all the water I was taking in. Went to the er and started tapering down my use so I knew my body would be ok.
Good luck to everyone that’s quitting! 🫶🏼


Yes youre so right!
I guess my apprehension to quit comes from being Bulimic!
The weed calms me down when I’m about to binge/purge so I rationalized it as
“Well, would you rather smoke weed or binge and purge?” - as a lesser of two evils.
However! I quit weed today! I am 3 days binge/purge free and 8 hours weed free! I’ll make an update post :slight_smile:


Day 1:
8 hours weed free!
3 days binge/purge free

I didn’t mention this, but I’ve been struggling with Bulimia for 8 years on and off, I’ve been doing well recently though. My weed use started officially in March of 2024 when I met my now ex boyfriend. First time I ever used marijuana was taking an edible in 2023 but it was a horrible experience so I didn’t care for it. Then I shared a joint with a friend months later but…it had no effect (I didn’t know this at the time but I WAS NOT INHALING. I just thought I was a weed heavyweight lol) Anyways. September 2023, I went to a big party and saw a bong for the first time, some random guy helped me use it because I had no idea how. He lit it for me as I inhaled. He lifted the thingy that you lift and said “keep inhaling! Keep going, there’s more smoke keep going!” - I had no idea what was going on so I just did as told haha and suffice to say - I certainly inhaled this time. For the first time. Then I took a break until March 2024 when I met my now ex, who is a BIG stoner. Long story short, my weed use greatly increased while with him. Over the summer of 2024 we were on and off and I quit weed for the entire summer! Then, classes started and I got nervous and used it to cope. At worst I smoked 3 times a day for 3 days in a row, then stop for 5 days, then smoke like crazy for 5 days and repeat. Sporadic and frequent, but could be worse. That’s where we’ve been at since. I’m glad I haven’t been using for a long time/that often compared to others who are quitting (sounds assholic but hey, you’d be glad too). That’s my story pretty much! The bulimia is a whole other beast but, it goes hand in hand with my smoking. For a couple reasons:

  1. it calms me down and I feel better so I don’t want to binge anymore
  2. food isn’t worth eating if I don’t smoke so I ate less
    But the cons are many, plus even if it was a magic pill for bulimia, smoking still has a myriad of health complications associated and as someone who is interested in science, medicine and health i’ve done my research and I am anti-weed for myself. I do not think it is healthy in large quantities for the human body as intake of any exogenous compound in excess is something to be skeptical of and anyone who tells you otherwise is coping as far as I’m concerned. But of course, I only care what I put in my body and could not care less what others do! for the most part haha. I am also big on body building/physique comps for women and weed is not conducive to this goal of building a lean defined physique and increasing fitness.

Congrats on your first day weed free lady! Me I just don’t want to put any mind altering substances in my system. Weed is one of those. Also smoking is very bad for our lungs whatever we smoke. Seems to me you go this figured out, only thing I’d ask is if you have a plan for all eventualities? For that I’d advice you to read this post (and thread):

As to eating disorders, that’s another big issue. Not my expertise tbh. A good plan could be useful too there I’d say. Wishing you all success.


Ah thank you so much! And yes, I also value my mind, intellect and less romantic - actual neuronal brain health so the fact that weed is a psychoactive drug also worries me! And hmm planning for eventualities is really smart so I don’t find myself in a triggering pinch and either use or do something dumb. I’ll look at that thread and come up with something :sunny: :peace_symbol:

you’re so right :slight_smile: thank you for joining me on my journey! its day 1 and I’m feeling good :sunny:


Congrats on your day 1, This is the great decision you have ever made and you can give it to yourself.
One day at a time, if we can do this then you can also do this.

Congrats on your day 1, that’s amazing! I’ve been smoking weed on and off for decades and now I’ve been without it for 20 days and it’s getting easier every day. Just hang on there, try to create a plan to prevent relapses and how to deal with inevitable urges when they’re gonna arise. You need tools in your sobriety toolbox and you can find lots of info and support from here. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support, we all are rooting for you. You can do this, you don’t need that shit in your life! All the best, my friend, you got this!


Well said !