Been drinking for a week

Down the drain. The missus is helping a lot. But I nicked some brandy and gin here. I cant sleep what shoud I do? It’s been 60 days and yet i fucked up


Trow away what’s left. Stay here to talk if you can’t sleep ore found yourself a recovery podcast like recovery elevator to find your motivation to stay sober. A hot shower can help as well to help you feel sleepy?


Shit happens. Do the same things that helped you stay sober for 60 days.

Take a hard honest look at what happened that helped you decide to drink again.

Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s a lesson you needed to learn.

I’m about as hard headed as they come. I needed to learn the hard way.

Are you sober now?


Stop!!! Take a breather and reboot. We all hit bumps in the road but don’t beat yourself up. You did the right thing by sharing it here. We have almost all been there. Your a fighter and did 60 days, get back onboard. Stop, don’t panic and MOVE forward.


In your last post, you didn’t feel the need to restart at day one because it was only 3 shots but look at where it led you…right back to a full on binge.

If you want sobriety, it’s going to take a lot of hard work. Close all those loopholes you created and come up with a solid plan.


I relapsed just earlier this week also. I have to say reading the responses to my post, then just searching through many of the other posts on TS has helped me tremendously. Reading through the relapse posts to see that many others have felt and done the same, and the success story posts to see that sobriety is achievable. You have supporters here and you can recover.

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Not sure anyone can know what you need to do, but I know what I would do. I would do all the things I said I didn’t need. I’d try all the things I wasn’t willing to try before. For me that meant going to AA and actually doing the work. It meant going to IOP and actually finishing. It meant stopping all the bullshit excuses I would spew and actually focusing on change.

It took lotsa work, sacrifice and some painful moments and it was worth every second.


Close the backdoor for the addiction was a major step for me. It’s still hard sometime to face the things heads on, but the only way to stay sober.