Been feeling anxious & I can't shake it off

So I’d say for the past three weeks I’ve been super anxious. More than normal and lingering more than normal. Usually this feeling doesn’t last long. I’m also able to go to the gym and I feel better. This isn’t working this time around and I have thought to myself, “I wish I can have a martini to take the edge off.” I managed to stay clean.

There’s two things I can pinpoint my anxiety to:

First, my old dog’s kidney disease and joint issues are progressing. Because of that she’s anxious all the time and it’s rubbing off on me. It’s also hard to deal with her and care for her on my own. (She’s actually pacing in her crate as we speak but the dog trainer told me to ignore the behavior because she has to learn to cope with her anxiety.)

Also, I’ve been feeling anxious about my job. I don’t believe I’m at risk of getting fired but my boss has been putting a lot of pressure on me lately because HE’S getting pressure.

It’s really a domino effect all around. My environment is unfortunately affecting me now and I don’t know how to deal.

I think I just needed to vent. :sob:


Vent away, that’s one of the perks of being part of TS! Sometimes things get pretty crappy, but we know drinking just makes it all worse. Much better to vent here. Seems to me you are in touch with what’s causing the anxiety, hope you can do some peaceful healing for yourself. Sending a big hug. :people_hugging::heart:


Having a good vent on here and doing things to stay sober is a good approach. As I’ve read on TS, “There’s nothing that drinking can’t make worse”…or something along those lines. Stay strong!:muscle:

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I do hope that venting helped. Events in life can create anxiety and mental anguish. I know you enjoy working out and if this is not helping maybe a change in your routine or type of work out might help?

A few things that help me out of an anxiety panic-
Full body mindful relaxation - with deep breathing and stretching
fresh air - possibly a walk
warm bath

I’m sorry to hear about your dog. do hope that you both find some peace and calmness :hugs: :pray:

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