Been slacking

Been slacking lately. A few months ago i got to two weeks and i guess it kinda scared me. Drinking and hang over and doing dumb stuff drunk has been my thing for a while. I had a week in and i broke it last night because i wanted to drink for a pain killer. Broke my toe last tuesday. First time ive ever broken anything. I wanna be sober but also i get in moods where i just dont care. But, ima start lingering around here again.

How is everyone else doing? Yall see the northern lights last week?


What are you changing on your life to stay sober?

When it came to staying sober, I had an AA sponsor who offered me some tough love. When I would tell him what I wanted, he would tell me “What you want doesn’t matter. What matters is what you do to stay sober.”


I guess i haven’t been really doing much to stay sober. Occasionally ive left all my money home when going to work. So, i have to come straight home. Even as gone as far as giving it to someone to hold onto.

Well, then have a look at these topics, they have lots of concrete tips.


One day I hope you read this back and find it as funny as me, I love the logic of us alcoholics, I once got drunk to celebrate being sober.


Yo, don’t get too discouraged. A broken toe sounds brutal. Def stick close to here though. I actually did manage to catch the Northern Lights, a big deal for England! And I probably would have missed them if drinking to be fair…


Yeah, ive definitely made up some stupid excuses to drink before. I could have easily jist taken an ibuprofen and some melatonin and slept to deal with the pain that night. I decided i needed to see if i could drive my car yet with my broken toe as an excuse. And then once i saw i could i went straight to the liqour store. Ohhh i need it for the pain. I told myself.


Oh yeah first time i have ever broken anything before. Its been one full week now and its a little better. Doctor said its going to take about another 5 weeks to fully heal. I gotta keep trying and stop making up lame excuses to drink. Im hoping the toe can help. Cause if i drank and reinjured it cause i was drunk id be very mad at myself. Thats awesome! I saw them on accident. Went outside to take a leak and i saw a slightly red by the moon. So i snapped a few photos. You could see it amazingly by taking a picture. I live out in the middle of no where out in county in the u.s.


This is a good place to come to when you want a drink. Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you.


You’re welcome… Hope your toe feels better soon… I got drunk once and broke my leg in 8 places because I stepped off a deck and thought the ground was about a foot down but it was more like 12 feet down… Instead of going to the ER I drank more Vodka for the pain and went the next evening to get medical help… Sure glad I quit drinking.

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Oh dang that is absolutely insane. Luckily it wasn’t much worse bud. I wasnt drunk when i broke my toe. I was just running up stairs way too fast. Missed a step and fell down them.