Being sober for a year is awesome but Shady people are still the same

Left a low paying job for a not promising job but I’m a year sober and very proud of myself I just don’t get people but I’m keeping it moving.


Congrats to you for maintaining your sobriety! When we least expect it something great comes our way…I bet your wonderful is right around the corner :smirk:


Wow a year!! Well done thats a massive achievement :clap: :heart: :people_hugging:


Congrats on your year of sobriety! :100:
You keep it moving :muscle:


Happy you are proud because it’s a big achievement! :facepunch:
Congratulations!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
How you like the new job? I left a well paid job 20 years ago and changed it into a low paid job that made me much happier. I hope that’s the case for you as well. Maybe you can go up in this environment? I did so I get more paid now.
Never regret my choice, despite te people around me called me stupid :thinking:


Congratulations on your year and heck yeah that is something to be proud of!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: congrats on one year!! I wish you all the best on your new job. Don’t think about anyone else. Let the haters hate!

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…its a great time to look for work…when you have a job you can be more discerning…you dont have to settle or take whats offered…

You have this great opportunity…if your up for it, take advantage and make further change…its your sober journey.

Be well

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Congratulations on your one year!

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Great job on hitting that 1st year! That was the hardest for me. I agree with you about shady people. I actually have ONE good friend that I can somewhat trust. Its just me and my girl…I stopped letting people on my circle since I decided to leave the drugs and alcohol and I’ve never been happier. It was always my so called “friends” that offered me beer or a bump when they knew I was trying to change my ways. I noticed a drastic change when I got rid of them and started working on myself. Good luck my friend. :grin:


Congratulations on 1 year :sunflower: