Being sober

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Ahh I know it can be boring? But if you can remember how bad it can get when alcohol is involved. Is there any shows you like to watch? I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted as well since I’ve been having cravings.

Best of luck!


Giving into the alcohol urge will change nothing about your situation. The only thing that will change is your child(ren) will get older while you are getting buzzed.

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Yeah. I know… that’s part of the reason i quit drinking to begin with.
Anyway, I ended up being productive and getting some errands done instead. I don’t feel so shitty anymore… so that’s good. Now I’m just full of energy and need to find something else to do … this is when i would wind down with a bottle of wine or beer… now what? Lol


I find my sober self is running my ass off. Had dinner with a friend and then went to a meeting with her tonight. And this was driving an hour also. So in the last 8 days Sunday was the only day I wasn’t busy with plans. When I was drinking my big excitement was driving to the liquor store every two days so I could hide in my house and drink. Yeah I think it’s perspective.