Bender aftermath

My mind is still a bit screwy, I’ve had major booze benders that resulted in me acting a fool before, and woke up after with just a hangover, a few apologies to get out, and much like those times I woke up and did that, but I’ve just felt a shadow over me, I’ve been Enlightened on what a post drunk emo is hahaha, but I still can’t shake this feeling of just no ambition, I can’t get myself to clean my room since the night of the party, I couldn’t even get off the couch where I was sleeping for hours, last night I had a breakdown, and i talked it through and felt so much better, but I still wake up in the morning like this, my party was on the 3rd, today is the 7th, this is all so new to me.


:pray: hold on mate

Your chemical balance is way off right now. The longer you’re sober, the better it will become. Also looking for professional help and working a program can make it a lot more manageable.
For now though, make sure you drink sufficiently, preferably water and make sure you eat enough.
Slowly you can start doing more stuff. Maybe not even all that slow. But be sure not to overdo it.
Depression is not a flip you can just switch, so you’ll likely have this feeling a while longer. But if you keep moving forward and if you make sure you acknowledge and try to feel proud for each and every step forward, even if it’s something as simple as making your bed or drinking a glass of water, you’ll feel better.


I’ve been there. Don’t forget this feeling. And you never have to feel this way again! What helped me was to write it out on paper. Whatever thoughts pop into your mind, all the things you just described, how you’re feeling or the absence of feeling. When you start to come round and feel better (because you will!) and if you still want to stay sober and not drink, go back and read what you wrote. It was the biggest thing that kept me from going back a few times. From there I wrote out a pros and cons list of why I drank vs why I didn’t want to drink, how did I think drinking “helped” me vs how I know it hurt me.

Hang in there, your mood will improve, but if you want to stay stopped, it will take some effort. Which you absolutely have it within you to do, with help from this community and elsewhere.


I’ll add as a piggy back off what @anon3131847 just posted that depressed feelings due to the imbalance caused by drinking is most likely what you’re experiencing. However, if you believe that you have tendencies toward depression in general, it is worth talking to a doctor about. Even just a general practitioner. Drinking can trigger depression that is harder to overcome without some professional help (at least in my experience and from what I’ve read). If your symptoms of depression last more that 7-10 days and get worse, please consider seeking help. I’m glad you posted and keep coming back!


Your gonna get through this.:heart::heart::heart:

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Eventually we reach our ‘bottom’ when we are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe you are there? And this is where your life turns around? You have the power to make this where your life turns around. But as @RosaCanDo says, check with a Dr if it continues. People can ‘self-medicate’ with alcohol to try to hrlpmental issues.

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