Benefits of Exercise - Mental Health

Hi All,

Here is the latest blog post. This one is more of a story and how exercise can improve mental health. Enjoy


Thank you for this. Came on time.


I strongly agree. I don’t have a gym membership, however, I do many little exercises and mini workouts at home. Every since I started working out after getting sober, my mind is much clearer and I am happy and content about the smallest things in life :grin:


I will do this

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So many benefits of working out and being sober and loosing weight. It feels so good!! So I better get off my ass and head to the Y instead of posting more here :joy:

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I worked out sporadically, it was always determined by hangovers/rushing home to drink.
I’m closing in on day 6. I’ve swam every morning before work, ran and joined gym classes after work and this morning I did parkrun, I normally dont do because I’m usually still drunk from the night before so cant drive.
My endorphins are through the roof and right now I’m thinking of the drink so I’m preparing my gym bag ready for tomorrow


Haha yes do it @Dazercat :running_woman::sunglasses::raised_hand::raised_hand: