Best advice you were given on your road to sobriety

Your no longer alone


Don’t feed into the self talk in our thoughts remember there thoughts only if we don’t act on them. The more we feed the thought the more power we allow it.


I’m not always an asshole when I’m drunk, but I’m always drunk when I’m an asshole.


I also like “you don’t need a cure, you need a witness”. Addiction loves us when we are alone.


For me it was

’ It is your choice if you will drink knowing it has killed ones we know. None of us know if it will catch us on a relapse.
Just a thought ; Think about how your children’s lifes will be if tomorrow has to start with out you ’

That got me. If tomorrow starts and I’m not there anymore.


I guess the biggest advice for me is to put in the work daily (not just here n there). I was always told that we have a daily reprieve from our addictions, meaning we have to do the work daily in order to be free.

It wasnt until i really put in the work on a daily basis, that i started to see the days add up. At first it felt exhausting, like it was a lot of work. But now its become my daily recovery routine. And when at times I start to slide from that daily work, i can feel it, ans then make adjustments to get back on track. But i do truly believe that recovery is a daily thing.



That’s powerful


A lot of great stuff already said. For me, one of the things that stuck was from the Annie Grace book, changing my thoughts from ‘I can’t drink’ to ‘I don’t have to drink.’


One Day At A Time.

It took me so long to understand this.

Once I did I dragged my ass out of relapse instantly rather than indulging myself for weeks because I’d “failed”. ODAAT made me get back up and try again… until one day I realised I hadn’t fallen for a while. But every day I take one day at a time :heart:


One thing has to change and that’s everything.


The most powerful words stuck with me when I started adressing my life issues and they are still my anchor for everything, big & small, lifeturning & fickifucky, real & brainfuck induced:

  • Don’t borrow from tomorrow
  • Keep it simple
  • Focus on YOU, no cheating, no excuses
  • If all you do today is survive, you are a hero
  • Let go & Let God
  • Go to bed / rest when you are tired BEFORE you get exhausted
  • Noticing the pattern is awareness, choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth

and this, I’m always carrying with me


I absolutely love this “it’s a no” :black_heart::black_heart:


I’ve thought about this, but never pondered it until now, if that makes sense. How fucking selfish addiction makes us.


“You can’t stay sober today on yesterday’s sobriety.”

The work I put into my sobriety yesterday is not equivalent to putting money in the bank to withdraw at a later date. I have to work at this daily and when I don’t, I find stinking thinking comes into play. I need that constant reminder that I cannot rest on the success of yesterday and if I do, it could kill me.


This spoke to me. Great advice! :clap::clap:


Yesterday I stayed sober with

“Yes! It does matter!” I wrote it everywhere.

“It doesn’t matter” is usually the thought that makes me relapse.


For me, because i also struggle with mental health i was constantly going through phases where i went from feeling good to feeling hollow and empty while being on medications, so i was worried i would permanently feel like that, and i was told by my counselor who was also a former addict that dude you where out there for 17 years putting chemicals in your brain, fucking up your receptors. Its going to take time for everything to heal, you’re not broken forever, it’s just not an overnight process. Wouldn’t you know it, those feelings passed, and im still managing my mental health and didnt give up my sobriety because of that talk.