Best advice you were given on your road to sobriety

Hey everyone. Lately I’ve been thinking about and leaning on a lot of things that I’ve been told while getting sober. So, I thought it would be interesting to ask what was the best piece of advice you received from someone? It could be from anyone or from anywhere but what was that one thing that made things click for you and what does it mean to you?
I’ll go first. I was really spiralling early on, I think I was about two months sober. I was really struggling and I was extremely worried about something. Anyway, my friend said to me “Jeremy, the only time to panic is when there truly is no tomorrow.” That stopped me in my tracks because I had to think about what that meant for a second. I thought about it and thought about it, and realized that she was right. As long as there is a tomorrow anything can be fixed. Anything can be mended. We can repair broken relationships, repair broken promises by coming through every time now. We can become people who keep their word. As long as there is a tomorrow there’s always reason for hope. It was without a doubt the best advice anyone has ever given me and I live my life by that saying now.
So friends, what’s yours?


Keep it simple.

Don’t drink and go to meetings. :peace_symbol:


There is nothing that a drink won’t make worse.


Sounds like @Yoda-Stevie
Good advice.


Absolutely! Plus, keep coming back!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


daily gratitude practice (even when i’m not feeling it) will help with my recovery

" Cultivating gratitude is an important part of recovery and gratitude is recognized as one of the foundational virtues in the creation of happiness. If individuals are grateful to be on the road to recovery, then it’s less likely they will relapse because they are empowered to move forward."




The best advice ever

My first sponsor told me if i want to drink, first drop my sobriety chip in the drink and when it melts, then you can drink. He taped a quarter to it and said also, call me



Not really advice but a realisation i came to myself…

“so Kelly… you can have the booze or your daughter but you cannot have both”

…obviously i chose my daughter and havent drank since, that was 535 days ago.


“If you don’t need to be there, don’t go there”

“Do you want to be happy or do you want to be right?”

“The train was late, you didn’t get the job, she doesn’t want to talk to you… in the grand scheme of things, so fucking what?”

“Stick with the winners”

“Are you a bully or are you a doormat?”


For me it was to not think about the fact that I can’t drink till the end of my life. At my previous attempts to quit this idea was killing me. I wasn’t familiar with ODAAT before I download this app.
ODAAT - this advice helps me the most.
Now I’m two hundreds something days sober and I don’t care if I won’t be drinking again, I don’t even want to.
Its all thanks to you :heart:


In my situation there were a lot of things spoken but the thing which made me to really want to stopped and to think to not drink anymore was when i was in the rehab and saw what alcohol can made as a final result. I saw people which don’t look good - physical and mental. I can say that scared me a little bit and i was - oh God do i want to be the same or I wanna live better, happy and healthy? So I made my choice - to live better life :blush:


The first drink is the most important.

Take what you want and leave what you don’t. (with regard to giving AA a chance)

And now I am in the emotional sobriety stage of recovery -
Self esteem comes from esteemable acts.


Play the tape forward.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

You aren’t in control and you never were.

Put a sober head on your pillow every night.


The concept of “play the tape forward”helped me a lot in the early months.

Also, flipping the script from “I don’t get to drink anymore “ to …

I am free and will never have to fight with myself about alcohol ever again! Sobriety is freedom!


I love this :heart::blush:

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YOU cannot do this on your own.


One that helps me when I ever wonder if I have been over reacting and see a glimpse of myself being able to drink again. Some days the first question is blurry but the second and third are always a hard no and it’s a good reminder:

Is it bad enough to stop?
Is it good enough to continue?
Are you free?


If ever I start feeling I can drink like a gentleman? I can’t. Chapter 3 audio book.

Thank you @JasonFisher :pray:t2:
Hope you’re getting a break after crab season.


“I always regret drinking. I never regret not drinking”

Saved my ass a couple times early on.