So I’ve been having a battle trying to quite smoking weed but my husband smokes all the time and doesn’t plan on quitting. Best tips to avoid smoking again (and be around him still)
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Welcome to TS, Shyleen. My doc was alcohol, and I also used to smoke weed a bit too. Quitting that wasn’t hard, but quitting the drinking was. My husband still drinks and smokes weed every day. Not exactly the same situation you’re in, but…I really had to work hard on myself and I tripped and fell, many times. Woulda been easier if we were on the same journey together, but we’re not. TS has been a tremendous help to me and I hope you find it helpful too.
The thing is , you gotta do what is best for you, and stick with it. Have a good read around, see what you find useful. Wish you well!!
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