Best Movies To Watch During Cold Turkey Heroin Detox @ Home?

I am currently on Day #3 of my heroin withdrawal/detox cold turkey at home, and I would love to know what movies are best to watch during these circumstances, and which movies y’all have watched or would recommend during this difficult time??

Also, any other activities/ things I can do, or should do while detoxing on my own at home, to make it as comfortable as possible??
Please and thank you!! I always heard it gets worse before it gets better… it hasn’t been terrible yet knock on wood but I guess that means I still have more time to go before the effects of it leaving my system kick in? How long did it take any of you to completely rid it from your system?? Once it’s completely gone and out, then I will be focusing on staying that way forever, and never turn back again!


Way to go on 3 days! My addiction isnt heroin so i dont know what advice to give but just wanted to drop in and say good job getting this far. Dont give up on yourself. Remember why you want to be sober. And take it one day at a time.


Chloe - ive nwver done heroine but i cant imagine it being easy to quit cold turkey. Congrats on your sober time!

Few links below to help keep your mind occupied

Movies Check-in / Reviews :vhs:

And if u want to binge watch tv
Netflix Hulu HBO Apple etc…… binge ideas please!


No advice, but wanted to share I am happy you are here!!!

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Hey there…congratulations on three days…that’s huge! Heroin wasn’t my things (various other drugs and alcohol were) and this has NO connection to drugs etc…but I found watching the documentary “The Barkley Marathons” to be really inspiring. It’s about this wild race down in Tennessee and really it’s about the people pushing past what they believe they are capable of. It’s a reminder to me of just what we are capable of when we get right with our minds and bodies. I highly recommend it (as a total non runner)


check out the movie thread. lot of good stuff there. congrats on 3 days.

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I’m grateful I saw this @Mommy23boys aka Chloe. I have detoxed several times from heroin during my long roller coaster ride of addiction. First I want to congratulate you for your bravery and determination. Making the decision and following through with it is HUGE I had two major withdrawals. The first was at home. Alone. I’m going to be blunt,okay? The first three days I was mostly sitting on the can. My bowels went totally haywire. I didn’t puke just insane diarrhea. The next 2 days there was a big psychological factor. Craving craving and more craving. It was hard but I stayed strong. After those 5 days I just felt puny and drained slowly over the next couple of weeks I came back to myself. But,of course,heroin wasn’t done with me. Last year the last week of April I spent 5 days detoxing in a state psych hospital. I lost 10 pounds. I think you can imagine how. I went from there to a 28 day stay in a rehab facility. I have not used since . Over a year clean and loving my clean time. I didn’t mention it but the first big one I vaped weed I guess to alleviate anxiety. It seemed to help but I am neither recommending it nor saying not to. There was one movie that I watched . It’s kinda crazy but I watched and really liked Who’ll Stop The Rain. I think I probably had my screen on for company,but nothing much penetrated my misery. I guess it concerns me a bit that you are not somewhere where you could receive medical attention if needed. My heart goes out to you Chloe. You’re doing the right thing. Stay strong :muscle:


How are you doing Chloe?


I’ve failed miserably after day 4. Too many negative feelings and emotions on guilt and disappointment in myself to name. I feel like a complete failure, I want to keep trying. I want to try again. Something in me keeps telling me to keep fighting so I guess that’s the only thing left for me to do. Keep trying even if it takes the rest of my life to do so. I don’t want this life anymore. I don’t want to live going through hell for days and then relapse and then go through hell again. One thing I can’t stress enough to people, never so drugs! Especially never touch Heroin or opiates! I plan to start over again on my detox in 5 more days. I’m planning and prepping again so I can be ready to start then. Thank you for asking and checking on me. I literally have nobody. Doing this and being completely alone with nothing but your thoughts, feelings , and demons only make this process more painful.


I’m glad that you’re wanting to do it again and I’m wishing you success.


Well that sucks, but you’re not giving up and that’s what matters. Believe me, I know how fucking difficult it is to let go entirely. You’ll get there though, just keep trying. It just scares me when I read about people being addicted to opiates and heroin because fentanyl is getting into everything these days. Pls be careful. I want to see you come back and succeed at kicking this shit.


You dont have to be alone, we cant do this shit alone. If its too hard to get to meetings while youre detoxing you can log into virtual meetings all day long and sit and listen to other people’s experience, strength and hope. We need that hope from other members who have done it, who have made it past that day 5 or that day 3. We cant do this by ourselves because when we start, that voice in our head is too fucking loud.

Dont get down on yourself its not only you that keeps relapsing when you try it on your own WE ALL DO.

I dont know where you live but there is a virtual Narcotics Anonymous meeting that runs everyday from 7pm PST to 8:15 pm PST.
I am sure lots are daily meetigs but I only know this one off hand. It would be really good for you to be able to see familiar faces when you log in, you could use it as a daily accountability meeting.

Dont be scared to ask for help, it takes courage to say we cant do this shit by ourselves, I know, but its the truth.
:sparkles: :sparkling_heart: :sparkles:


Thank you so much!! I would be more than happy to be a part of a NA group, especially if offered virtually. It’s extremely hard to be feeling like your dying, and then to put yourself in a very vulnerable position like NA meetings in person, only accelerates the anxiety that comes with detoxing off of the opiates. So this I really, really do appreciate as I’ve thought about something like this before, and wondered if it had even existed lol. Now that I know it does, I’m excited to give it a try, and open myself up to get help from others, especially ones who know the experience theirselves. Knowing I’m not alone, helps a lot, and gives me that hope that I didn’t think I had left in me. One day, I’ll be one of those success stories. Til then, I’m just going to continue to take it one day at a time, and focus on the ultimate end goal. To get clean, and STAY clean, work on my recovery for the rest of my life, and in the process, hopefully be able to help others such as myself get through it. Thank you for your help, support, guidance, and recommendations.


Thank you so much for you caring kindness, and support. Positivity makes a huge difference.

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