Best parts of sobriety

The best parts for me would have to include my memory, the respect I have for myself, and the betterment of my relationships. I already had a TERRIBLE memory but the drinks and drugs didn’t help that a bit. I no longer wake up having to ask others how I behaved or where I ended up the night before, not to mention not waking up with wicked hangovers is a blessing on its own. As far as relationships go I was an awful sister, mother, friend, and lover. I was selfish, always lying or making excuses to not be present unless I knew they were going to participate in the same activities I was planning for myself…. I was a short tempered mother who did the bare minimum unless I was drinking. But now I make sure to do an activity with my daughter everyday, I’m back to cooking family meals, participating where I feel my recovery isn’t in jeopardy. All in all I’m rebuilding myself and creating a better life. Better than I ever thought possible :heart: Here’s a before and after for reference. I can see growth and light within myself and it’s beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


One of the best things about sobriety is being able to fully take advantage of the 24 hours in a day.

I’m able to focus and do everything I need to for my 8 hours of work.

I’m able to enjoy the company of my wife and kids for the 8 hours of my home time.

And I am able to get a full 8 hours of sweet, glorious sleep.

Everything else everyone mentioned too is on the list! Especially the poops.


Having a chance at being a decent, mindful human being and developing some respect and liking for myself.


Nothing better than getting up at a respectable time opening them curtains after a great night’s sleep feeling refreshed and revived ready to take on any challenge the day puts in front of me with confidence.
A great breakfast then to the gym, head held high knowing I am living my best life.
Healthy, fit, strong but more importantly my mental health is together :heart: :muscle: :pray:
No bad feelings of despare or shame. Just good vibes.


This is impressive, and what I strive for, but have a long way to go - the 8 hours sleep & focus on work, not so much the poop bit :wink:

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Full list please!

@dre92 sorry for the ‘in’ message but sassy’s reasons to stay sober list is amazing!


Am in the best shape of my life and loving it
Serenity and calm in my life, no more wild mood swings or crazy ups and downs
As someone said earlier ‘i’m not dead’… yup that’s a very real one I concur

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  1. Bestest sleep ever
  2. Fully there for my kids
  3. No regrets next day and no bloody hangover
  4. No putting the pieces of previous night together and being ashamed of actions
  5. No anxiety
  6. Much better health and wellbeing
  7. Being able to look into the mirror

Okay @siand, here is my full list. This has saved me many a time when my mind is thinking, 'Oh, what could just a glass or two of wine do?" I keep this list on my phone. I always want to remember the pain and turmoil of my drinking life.

What I will gain from not drinking and how I want to live my life…

  • Feel healthy, clear and strong - mentally and physically
  • No hangovers ever!!
  • Treating my husband with respect and no drunk fighting
  • Self respect and confidence get a major boost
  • No more internal conflict about drinking and if/how can I cut down or stop
  • Restful restorative uninterrupted sleep!!! (Still working on this one!)
  • No waking up wondering where I am or who I am with
  • Major pride in myself and all that I have and can accomplish
  • A sense of peace and calm
  • No more embarrassment and shame because of my drunk behavior
  • Forgiving myself for past mistakes and terrible judgement
  • No wondering what I did or how I hurt husband or others while drunk
  • No treating people I love, including myself, poorly while drunk
  • No drunk driving and possibly hurting self or others or jail or death
  • No upset stomach from drinking
  • No anxiety and near constant agitation when hungover
  • No dark suicidal thoughts
  • No shame around neighbors if I was loud and yelling or loud music
  • No blackouts ever
  • No overwhelming shame at my behavior and who I am
  • No oversharing with strangers while drunk or making plans I will need to cancel
  • Not having to check my phone in the middle of the night to delete social media posts - no drunk texting/emails/posts/calls
  • Not be bloated and puffy and look haggard
  • Major pride in myself and a boost in self esteem
  • No hangovers ever again (this needs to be said twice!!!)
  • No more excuses or lies
  • Peace of mind
  • Self respect, self esteem, self confidence, self love :heart:

Sassy, I agree with your list 100%!!! You said it all.:+1:t2:


No more hangovers!!!
Better skin
I have the energy to work out
I’m alive!!!


A good conscience free of shame and guilt


I also have a sobriety list I keep to remind myself of the best parts of staying sober, here are numbers five through twelve. I read this list a lot when I crave to remind me all I have gained by not drinking/smoking. In the early days I documented a lot of little changes because we humans have short memories and I never wanted to forget all of the lovely little things I had been missing out on.
5. I read books again. I CAN and WANT to read books again.
6. I listen to music again, and can and want to do nothing BUT listen to music.
7. I remember hang outs with people so much better! I don’t worry what I might have “overshared” with others while drunk and running my mouth.
8. I don’t make plans that end up being canceled because I either a) had no intention of really doing the planned activity in the first place and was just drunk and talking shit OR b) I was too hung over to participate in said activity.
9. I can go do things and make plans spontaneously and not worry if I’m too drunk to go or if I do go, will there be a place to smoke and beer available?
10. I am better at my job. At ANY job…I don’t feel shitty when I wake up and spend most of the day trying to NOT feel shitty. Even when I’m sleep deprived it STILL feels better than hung over.
11. I can jog a mile without stopping. Even though my legs ache I don’t run out of breath
12. My anxiety and stress is less. Or maybe maybe its just that I can manage it so much better when my head is clear.


That’s a question with a large list of answers.

Obvious ones like health and mental well-being.
A major one would be control. No more further destroying my life or fucking up everything around me and doing shit I’d never do while sober.
Oh and my daughter seems alot happier that im not always withdrawing or dying and I’m able to actually run and jump and play with her.


While the benefits are numerous, the two most important things for me:

  • This one is a bit broad, but not drinking simply opens up the other parts of my life. It unlocks possibility. It unlocks freedom.

  • And now a more specific one: giving far fewer fucks. Used to be a big people-pleaser, I was raised not to make waves. Now that I live in a way that is honest and transparent, I have no problem saying “no”, looking out for my own wellbeing, and being firm in my discretions – even if others do not agree with or like how I live and the choices I make.


Being sober has given me confidence, for once in my life. I now tell people what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear, which has weeded out a few “buddies”.
In my first year if soberiety I have:
Lost 50 lbs of fat, added 15 lbs of muscle
Started a business
Invested all of the money that I would have spent on alcohol
Dove in the ocean on 1Jan22 (penguin swim)
Cleaned the gutters
1 more semester to obtaining a degree
Built stronger, more sincere relationships
Slept like a rock
Just enjoyed life, instead of wishing it would end soon.


Feeling like crap every morning. Sadly I accepted that feeling as a part of my daily life. I feel so much better in the morning and throughout the day!


My top three:
1= no hangovers!
2= no more counting hours and using apps to control sobriety prior to driving.
3= being able to fulfill my duties as a husband, son and brother of my relatives and wife.