Binge drinking on weekends-SOBER DAY 1

Sober day 1 here! I struggle with binge drinking on the weekends! For me, I don’t crave a drink during the week because I know I have an important job and I have to be clear minded to get up and head to work. Once Friday rolls around its beer time, especially with the warmer weather here on the east coast it really makes me crave a drink! I hit rock bottom this weekend, I was tired of feeling like crap the next day and feeling anxious, depressed, guilt and shame. I hate not knowing what I did or said and feeling embarrassed, I decided it was time to make a change, cut alcohol out completely. I use to tell myself, oh just have 2 or 3 and be done, well, I can’t just have 2 or 3, I need more! I look forward to the journey ahead, I knows it’s going to be hard, but who said anything of value in life comes easy!! I’ll keep yall posted with my first weekend!


Welcome Chelsea to the forum. Glad you found us. Read a lot and I am sure you find plenty of valuable information. You are somewhat in a good situation to start off, I think. You have 4 days to figure out how to tackle the next weekend. How to structure your day.

Do you know some triggers? Can you imagine another drink instead of beer to start the weekend?


Thank you!! I’m nervous but excited to be here! Yes that is true, I have a few days to make a plan for success! My triggers are really just the thought of it being the weekend and the weather being nice out also puts me in the mood. I’ve put myself in the bad habit of thinking I need to drink on the weekends to have fun!


Welcome, you’ll find a lot of crazy good people with a lot of great help here. We can all get through this together. :muscle:


Thank you!! It takes a village!!



I was the same way. I rarely drank during my work week but with the amount I drank on weekends, I still drank probably 5 times as much as a normal person. Even though I didn’t drink during the work week, it still managed to slowly begin to ruin my life.

This is a great place, stick around and read/post lots!


Thank you! It’s good to know I’m not alone in this!


Welcome @ChelsMar1e, it’s lovely to meet you! This place is a fantastic tool, come here as often as you can. :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thank you​:heart::heart::heart:

Welcome Chelsea. My relationships with alcohol is very similar to yours. I can go without it during the week…often for weeks on end. But, when I drink, I drink. And just over a month ago I got myself into a situation that made me just decide that enough is enough. I felt angry, ashamed and to be honest bored of putting myself into this cycle. I can moderate at times, but the past has shown me that I always, always go back to taking it too far and hating myself for it. Life is too short to hate myself.
Here are some things that have helped me these last few weeks:
Reading: this naked mind, quit like a woman, the unexpected joy of being sober.
Podcasts: soberful (this has has my favourite as it covers a range of topics on recovery that are associated with sobriety)
Planning my weekends and events carefully. Including exit strategies but also treats and adventures for the weekend that do not revolve around alcohol.
A hell of a lot of journalling and facing up to some harsh truths about why I may drink or what I need to address.
Checking in here on a morning snd posting gratitudes in an evening.

The first two weeks were awful. Not for the lack of alcohol, but more the emotions that came with facing long term sobriety in the face for the first time. But it has been so transformative already and I feel like I am returning to myself. I actually feel excited for the journey ahead.

Sorry for the long ramble, but I hope you stick around. I know we will feel so much better for cutting this habit from our lives. :sunflower:


Thank you thank you so much for sharing your journey. It truly means so much to have others that can relate! Thank you for the helpful tips, I will have to check those out especially the Journaling! I truly appreciate your gracious tips and encouragement :heart:

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