Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

1 small donut with coffee at home group. Decided to do vegetarian for dinner. Ordered a spinach quesadilla. Guess what? I hate cooked spinach!


Day 821 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 157 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 822 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 158 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 823 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 159 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 824 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 160 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 825 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 161 : No coffee today. :blush:


Hello guys, how are you doing?
I have over a month without binging and not eating chocolate! :dizzy_face: I think that cutting out chocolate helps not to binge :smile::smile:
I still have cravings for chocolate time to time, but I must admit that itā€™s easier managable as time passed. With every new day without it, Iā€™m less and less dependent on it. Iā€™m not sure if I ever want to go back to eating it. But no need to worry about it now I guess :slightly_smiling_face:
I didnā€™t plan my meal properly yesterday and ended up having my after-lunch snack at dinner time and when I was suppose to have my dinner I wasnā€™t hungry at all. So I skipped it and then wanted to eat sugary food before bed. I almost gave in, but then I thought about it properly and realise that thereā€™s no point in eating and going straight to bed, that I can as well just skip it. I wasnā€™t hungry, it was just cravings.
I feel so glad today morning that I managed to control myself and not eat before bed. Iā€™d have distrupted sleep and would be perhaps bloated today. Instead I feel great and energetic now :relieved: Yeeey!
Itā€™s nice to have my control back.

But so you donā€™t think all is easy, for example on Friday I cycled from work to home and because it was really stunning sunny day I ended up doing some extra kilometers and did 32km instead of usual 18km. When I came home I was starving because I passed my dinner time thanks to longer cycling. I had quite big dinner and it included 2 small packs of salted crisps which I wish I avoided because I didnā€™t feel well after them. And it was second time I had them and didnā€™t feel well. So I kinda now that I want to avoid these. Especially in the evening.
But hey, it wasnā€™t end of the world. Sometimes I still eat food Iā€™d prefer not to, but I manage the amount better and I donā€™t punish myself for it anymore. Which is great :slightly_smiling_face:


Big congratulation Jana on one month binge free!! :fireworks: :sparkler: :fireworks: :sparkler:

Iā€™m so proud of you and glad for you! :heart:

The same happens to me, when I donā€™t eat for too long a time, Iā€™m prone to overeat like I used to do in the past, and be unwell. It happens rarely because I structure my life such that regular eating is a priority. But soon I will study again and either move or commute and Iā€™m worried about this routine and regularity being in danger with all the extra work Iā€™ll have and being overwhelmed. :frowning: itā€™s still a whiles off, but I worry.

I also find that cutting a triggering food out of my life is the only way it works. I simply do not buy nice sweets, have not for years, and that solved the problem. Likewise bread, buns, crispsā€¦ I do have chocolate at home cos I do a lot of baking for work and I do eat that sometimes, but surprisingly itā€™s very moderately, likely because itā€™s very cheap and kinda nasty chocolate, not the Kinder stuff or something else Iā€™d not be able to say no toā€¦

I do also also eat a lot of vegetable soup, particularly on days when I donā€™t lift. Or when Iā€™ve already eaten all the carbs I need for the day. That reminds me: as a fellow active person, you are likely aware that 32km instead of 18 will tire you out more, deplete the glycogen more, make you more hungry, sweaty - so thatā€™s probably why you instinctively went for salty crisps, to replenish glycogen and electrolytes. Nothing wrong with it per se in my book, after the extra exercise, other than that you say you didnā€™t feel so great after. I would advise you to up your calorie intake accordingly on days where you do so much extra physical work/cycling. This way you keep control over how you replenish what you used up, and control over your meals.

Absolutely love reading your check-ins! Always rooting for you, girl, and everyone on this thread! :purple_heart: :boar:


Youā€™re doing amazing Jana! Keep up the good work! I would like to add that exercising as much as you did probably meant that you would crave sodium. You can try to replace the electrolytes, as Faugxh put it, by drinking electrolyte drinks like Gatorade or Powerade. They have sugar free varieties. I drink Powerade sometimes when my blood pressure drops too low. Hopefully this helps. :blush:


Day 826 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 162 : No coffee today. :blush:


@Faugxh and @Aleyadaisey
You have my back girls, donā€™t you :blush:
Thank you very much for your tips and advices, it is helpful and makes perfect sense!

@Faugxh , Iā€™m sorry to hear that you already feel a bit stress about future arangements. I like how you put your diet first, because itā€™s important to you and I believe that you will be able to find your way around later when youā€™re busier, too. It would be shame if you struggle because of life-style change, but I feel you and appreciate that it may be tricky.
Youā€™ll have to be more aware about your feelings so you donā€™t end up eating away potential stress or that youā€™re overwhelmed. I believe you have strong roots after all the sucessful time now and so it will be easier than if you just started. You already can point out your triggers and you know what you want! I know that you can get through this period.

And you also always have us here to lean on us, to text and share :heart: Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m a part of such a beautiful community and this thread :blush:


Day 827 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 163 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 828 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 164 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 829 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 165 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 830 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 166 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 831 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 167 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 832 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 168 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 833 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 169 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 834 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 170 : No coffee today. :blush:


Day 835 : No binge today. :blush:
Day 171 : No coffee today. :blush: