Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Hi @acromouse Not really. First I suffered from bulimia. I had a therapy which helped me with that. But the binge eating is just hard to manage for me. Once I get urges theyā€™re so strong that Iā€™m finding impossible to overcome them and always end up binging. IF helped because I binge only in the evening before bed time. So there was no window for me to binge when I had to finish my eating by certain time. Although I usually stuffed my face with lots of food during my dinner :smile: I think that I am scared that Iā€™d be hungry. Because if Iā€™m hungry, I donā€™t like that feeling and I also feel like I have less control over food then. But then I have no controll over food no matter if I was hungry or not. So it doesnā€™t make much senseā€¦ :woman_shrugging:t4:


15 days no sugar, no crisps, no takeaways.
3 days no binge-eating.

Another day without bingeing, and the shops are closed so I know Iā€™m safe.



Day 1269 : No binge today. :blush:


195 sugar
59 UPF
66 gluten
45 dairy
7 overeating

Had one of those sugar eating dreams last night. Subconscious is apparently working.


I managed to finish my dinner just after 7pm yesterday and not to eat anything else afterwards.
Interesting was that I noticed a pack of crisps on a table, which my boyfriend had ready to snack on them later and my thought process was that maybe I could have some too, but I remembered that these crisps always give me IBS so I shouldnā€™t have them, yet I was thinking to eat some as my last snack before I stop snacking in the evening.

However, I needed to have a shower first and then in the bathroom I realised how I donā€™t even like the crisps and that I donā€™t want them. If me and my boyfriend were already sitting on the sofa at that time when my urges were running through my head, I would ended up eatingā€¦ That made me realise how taking a bit of time away from the food when experiencing cravings can change the perspective. The shower saved my ass from binging!


Day 1270 : No binge today. :blush:

Thatā€™s great news that the shower helped stop a binge in its tracks, @Jana1988! Every win counts! :clap::blush:


@Jana1988 Shower to the rescue is a good story :grin: Take every win you can. Theā€˜ll stack up with time :+1:

196 sugar
60 UPF
67 gluten
46 dairy
8 overeating

Hormones are making me very hungry, especially for carbs and fats. But I donā€˜t mind eating more.


2 days no binging!
I found it suspiciously way too easy yesterday :woman_shrugging:t4: Even my bf ate chocolate and I was happy to have just 1 row :astonished::astonished::astonished: What has happened? I donā€™t care, just please last it like this!

Feeling good but am bloated because I am on my period now. A bit of pain and discomfort. Lets see how this will affect my eating today.


@acromouse congrats again on 60 days no UPFs :tada: and your week+ no overeating/binge :tada:
@Jana1988 Iā€™m glad the shower changed your perspective :raised_hands:t2: and I hope that things will continue like yesterday for you :crossed_fingers:t2:

16 days no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no sugar, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I went to the local shop to try ā€œone last experimentā€ with a few groceries, because I was craving jam on toastā€¦ It did not turn out well. They didnā€™t sell sugar-free jam, so I begrudingly bought regular jam, thinking I could control it and ā€œjust have a littleā€, I couldnā€™t, I ended up bingeing jam on toast last night, and then this morning I ate the rest from the jar with a fkin spoon, it was vile, I didnā€™t even like the taste, but I still couldnā€™t stop myself! No more experiments.

My findings from monitoring my blood glucose levels show me that my body cannot tolerate carbs well at all, not even complex ones, so I will stick to my low carb, high protein diet, and hopefully things will be better and more stable.



Day 1271 : No binge today. :blush:


17 days no crisps, no takeaways.
0 days no sugar, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbers.

No further incidents to report, my counter for no sugar or binge-eating ticked over to 1 day an hour ago. No plans for that to change before I check-in later tonight.



197 sugar
61 UPF
68 gluten
47 dairy
9 overeating


Day 1272 : No binge today. :blush:


198 sugar
62 UPF
69 gluten
48 dairy
10 overeating


I have 4 days without binging. Eating nutritionally good and big enough dinner helps. I need to learn to cook 2 meals for myself (1 lunch and 1 dinner), rather than be snacking in the evening instead.

Unfortunately I caught flu and I feel pretty rough today. Not sure if I manage to eat regularly as e.g. now I donā€™t feel like having a breakfast at all. Good is that I also have no desire to eat anything sweet eitherā€¦ Maybe a good time to get rid of sugar from my life :smile::smile::smile:

Anyway. Iā€™m going to rest a bit more before I asses whether I am able to WFH or if I need to call sick.


Congrats on your progress! And get well soon :face_with_thermometer:


@acromouse congrats on double digits for no overeating :tada:
@Jana1988 feel better soon šŸ©µ

18 days no crisps, no takeaways.
1 day no sugar, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Had strong cravings for chocolate yesterday, which I rarely ate even before I was diabetic, or in my usual binges, so it was fairly easy to resist but still uncomfortable. Today so far, all is well, except there is quite a lot of glucose in my urine and blood, because I still eat the porridge for breakfast because I want to use it up and my meal replacements havenā€™t arrived yet, they will today though, I received a text from the courier.



19 days no crisps, no takeaways.
2 days no sugar, no binge-eating.

A lot of anxiety today. I craved chocolate again this evening and felt the compulsion to go to the shop very strongly, but then remembered my shakes delivery came toda, and I found a chocolate caramel flavoured one, and it satisfied the craving which felt good. 132 calories Vs the 1090 calories that I would have had, much better!



Day 1273 : No binge today. :blush:

I had a big dancing session. Over 8k steps on my counter and 50 heart points! So that was fun for sure! :muscle::blush:

@Jana1988 I hope you have a speedy recovery from the flu. I know being sick isnā€™t fun. Sending healing prayers/thoughts. :people_hugging::pray:

Great job on resisting the craving by getting something healthier, @CATMANCAM! Every win counts! :muscle::blush:

Wow, nearly 200 days since you had sugar, @acromouse! Keep it up, youā€™re doing great! And good job with your other counters too! :muscle::blush:


@Aleyadaisey What kind of dancing did you do?
@CATMANCAM Iā€˜m sorry you are experiencing anxiety. I find this often difficult and then food/eating comes as a distraction to mind. Good job on choosing a better option. I hope your meal replacements will make your situation easier.

199 sugar
63 UPF
70 gluten
49 dairy
11 overeating

My hormonal upheavals are currently so bad, I canā€˜t even say if I am overeating. I know I am eating more then usually as I experience far more hunger.