Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 3)

Day 1515 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 35 - low carb breakfast
Day 1/4 - walking


Awwwwr, thank you! Touched my heart :heart:

I could tape it to my PC. I work from home most of the time and thatā€™s where it will be on my sight constantly :blush:


Hey, thinking of you today! Stay strong and know what you want!
See it from the wider perspective - every decision influences more than just the moment.

I collected few quotes for you (and us all)

Donā€™t be scared and ENJOY today! :sun_with_face::four_leaf_clover: Sending love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 5: no binge
Celebrating 5 days without binge :confetti_ball::tada::partying_face: 3 days eating my dinner before 6pm, but thatā€™s not a manageable thing for me in the future, so I donā€™t have a counter for it. However, am acknowledging it, because man - thatā€™s a miracle in my case!!! :exploding_head:

Not much to say really, I am just checking in, being super happy with myself and the journey :blush:

Oh, and I discovered that I can feel not enthusiastic, not good, not right in my skin and want to eat at such moments, but then I noticed that I wasnā€™t hungry and therefore I didnā€™t eat. It felt uncomfortable to stay in the emotions which I disliked, but I survived. And a big surprise - maybe not at the moment, but certainly afterwards - I felt much better knowing that I didnā€™t try to eat my feelings away (which never helped me before anyway, it always made things rather worseā€¦). One feels only teeny tiny better at that moment when eating stuff away, but that doesnā€™t last and it brings more bad feelings on the top of everything. So it is great to zoom out for a moment and see things from a bigger perspective where rational brain is involved :brain:

Thatā€™s me having nothing to say really and just checking inā€¦ :joy:

Have a nice Wednesday people :four_leaf_clover::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::sun_with_face:


441 sugar
305 UPF
179 gluten/dairy

Great job on staying with your feelings!


Failed today. Start again tomorrow. :pensive:


Day 1516 : No binge today.


Day 6: no binge :muscle:t3:

Coming to a week without this :poop: ! I should be in the office tomorrow, I have some work training. Thereā€™s a possibility that someone will order cakes or takeaway for the group. Iā€™m not scared - cause Iā€™m prepared :blush: This time I know what I want. The food, nor the people, can make me relapse and binge. No way. But thatā€™s me only thinking a little bit ahead, just in case, because itā€™s better to be prepared than sorry :muscle:t3:

Interesting observation, I know how it feels to be thirsty again :exploding_head: Ok, this one is a biggie for me. Iā€™m rarely thirsty even during summer, so never in winter - so I thought. Iā€™m not entirely sure whatā€™s happened, but I was thirsty yesterday after meals and I wanted WATER! :astonished::astonished::astonished:
To put you in the picture: As I said, I was almost never thirsty, and if I was, water was the last choice of mine. But lately I started drinking some water now and then since I stopped binging, just to fill my stomach a little bit more after a breakfast or lunch. And yesterday I experienced feeling thirsty after my meals and wanting water, which totally shocked me. I enjoyed the cup of water, the taste, coolnessā€¦ canā€™t even believe this :smile::smile::smile: My normal day was to get up of the bed, make myself a big flask of coffee, drink that and thatā€™s it for the day. Sometimes in summer Iā€™d have some normal drink during the day too (not water though), but max. 3 glasses. I just didnā€™t experience thirst. I used to say that I was a camel :camel: in my past life. Now I still have my coffee, because I love it, but I learnt to drink a small cup of mint tea before that to nourish my stomach with something less heavy first thing in the morning. And then I have like 3-4 cups of water through the day. I canā€™t even recognise myself. Iā€™m so pleased. The fact that I was thirsty yesterday tells me that Iā€™m doing right things. Thirst should be present in our life, itā€™s one of the basic instincts and I lost it for a long time to find it again now. And itā€™s only 6 days of my new lifestyle. Who knows what everything is yet to come :blush:
I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t experience the thirst when I managed not to binge before for a longer period of time. Maybe because back then I did intermittent fasting and I was just constantly eating in my eating window anyway and so there was no time to even get thirstyā€¦:woman_shrugging:t3: Whatever, Iā€™m glad that this time is different and Iā€™m getting such positive signs. Deffo helps me to stay highly motivated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@tailee17 Look:

:point_up:t3:Thatā€™s the coffee flask I am talking about ahahaha


@Jana1988 Great to hear you are having new sense experiences on your journey. Make sure you have food with you at work. Youā€™ve got it!

442 sugar
10 months UPF
180 gluten/dairy

10 months without UltraProcessedFoods, my body and mind are so thankful I made this decision :smiling_face:


Thank you so much. Unfortunately despite my best intentions I let the inner addict win. I ended up grazing on cookies and chips :disappointed: I guess technically not a binge per se but spread out over the day. the only thing from my food that I ate was an apple. Itā€™s such a struggle to ignore that inner voice even though consciously and rationally I know better. I ended up having a sob fest with my partner when I got home. I know every time I give in just strengthens that addict voice.

I pulled out my SMART recovery book and going to do some worksheets, hopefully it will help me drill some coping mechanisms into my mind! I also need to come up with an easy distraction I can do when I get urges. I could do my anxiety breathing exercises or something else.

Cannot wait until this month is over.


Right on! I am so glad you took my advice. i am rooting for your continued success.


Day 1517 : No binge today. :blush:


1 week without binging :partying_face::tada:

As mentioned before, today I have a whole day training at work. We may, or may not be getting cakes or takeaway :grimacing: However, Iā€™m ready with my own food: breakfast, lunch and a banana for a snack before I go back home, because Iā€™m sure that Iā€™ll be hungry by then. Here I have prepared dinner too. I am not scared, nervous about today eating or unsure. I know what Iā€™m doing and what I want. So I should be fine :blush:


Congratulations on 10 months without :poop:! Great work and I bet you can feel the difference :pray:t3::four_leaf_clover::muscle:t3::confetti_ball:


So sorry to hear that. But today is a new day and new opportunities to start the life you want to live and to become the person you want to be :four_leaf_clover::heart:


@Passerina_cyanea Sorry to hear your inner addict got to you. Itā€™s not easy to resist that voice even if it does not have our best intentions in mind. Hope your situation improves soon.
@Jana1988 Congrats on a full week :partying_face: Great work altogether, especially on the home prep. Let us know how it went.

443 sugar
307 UPF
181 gluten/dairy


Thank you, Aga.

I managed very well! There were sweets all over the table :rofl::rofl::rofl: But I didnā€™t touch any at all - not even my favourite ones! What is the best about it all - that I didnā€™t even had urge. It wasnā€™t like sitting there and hypnotising it for the whole time. My mind wasnā€™t wondering around them, and I think itā€™s because I made the decision in advance and they simply werenā€™t the option.
There was only one occasion when my brain thought that if I have sweets instead of lunch today I could save some money, because then Iā€™d have the lunch tomorrow instead (my old way of thinking). But would I? The sweets would cause harm to my body and my health is more valuable then anything. So that silly thought went straight to the bin.
I am so happy about how today went. It gives me confidence and I can see light in the end of the tunnel.
Things are possible.

Oh and I listened to a couple of episodes of ā€œDefeat Your Cravingsā€ podcast on my way to work, which helped me to get into the right mindset for the day. A very helpful tool for me this podcast.


Day 1518 : No binge today. :blush:

You are doing amazing, @Jana1988! Congratulations on one week as well! Keep up the good work! :blush::tada:


Thank you @Aleyadaisey :blush::pray:t3: Have a lovely weekend! :four_leaf_clover: