Birthday-Lucky #

At 7:05am this morning I celebrated 9-years (IV) since the day I decided that I was done letting pills & chasing the feeling of being numb consume my entire life.

Nine years ago today I got sober from opiates & I haven’t looked back.

Addiction is almost genetic in my family so this is huge for me, my husband & children.


Wow well done you sound so happy and so you should :heart:

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Well done, and congrats to you! Your success sets the bar for us. ODAAT.

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Welcome to the community Murphie! Congrats on your 9 years of freedom – that is super impressive work! :muscle: :tada: :tada:

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Welcome! And congratulations on your 9 years!!!

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Congratulations on 9 years! :partying_face:
Opioids used to consume my entire life too. I’m approaching 5 years and the freedom is an incredible. Happy to be trudging the road of happy destiny with you.

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I remember hitting that 5yr mark & it felt like I had just climbed Everest! After hitting my goal of a 9yr milestone it’s like being on top of Everest but actually being able to breathe! The air isn’t as thin anymore & it doesn’t hurt my lungs to try & breathe!

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