Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

But then nobody promised us it will be easy, remember few days ago when I felt great I told you it seems too easy to be true?.. I guess if it was easy anyone could do it, but it is not… think about your friend, thats how bad it can get, thats how difficult it is…

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And Im not using Facebook etc neither, I tried it but never seen any real purpose in it, just wasting too much time that I don’t even have. Its different here for me, I feel it is adding to my life, I need support and thats what I found here. Sometimes I feel that I am too much on receiving end here, that I dont give away enough here, but maybe reading this our thread can help someone else… not sure


Oh I’m sorry friend… sorry you are feeling so low and dealing with emotional stuff… sorry that you are also dealing with your friend who’s going through so much. You really can’t help someone who is not ready to be helped and it’s hard to help someone in the early stages of your sobriety as this stage is so hard on its own. This is where community and support comes in. Support and recovery groups. But again…they only help if your friend wants help

I too stay away from social media but see this place as a recovery tool and not like Facebook/ IG or whatever. Here we are coming for support and to not feel alone. I will respect your decision if you want to stay offline for a while but you don’t have to delete your account. Some great posts here that could help you in the future if you chose to come back and also for others in the same struggle.

I am grateful that you did not give into the urges. Keep pushing forward and I do hope you are able to do something just for you tonight…like a walk, meditation, log into a meeting if you can’t go in person… something for self care to help you out of the mood. This goes for you too @Blanka … sending you both positive vibes :hugs::pray:t4:


It’s good to vent, it helps get the crazy out of our heads. Little emotional setbacks are not uncommon. Know that this, too, shall pass,

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We can’t keep it if we don’t give it away.

You guys are doing great :blush:
Love it

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I got that feeling too. Maybe I am a little addicted to this place. My goal was to get and stay sober. That’s why I came here and that’s why I’m staying. I pick and choose where I want to go on here. And the only other social media I care about is Twitter. And I use that for recovery too. Not all the other bull shit. Except the memes. Definitely need the memes.

One day at a time friends. ODAAT.


By the way. I love watching this thread. I think it’s great the way you 2 support each other.

I believe eventually we all need to add more tools to our tool boxes to help our recovery grow with us. Because your addiction is out there doing pushups and just waiting for an opening.

But for now. Keep doing what you’re doing if it’s working.

Nite nite


23 days sober, thinking a lot about this sober journey and how now I got to the point when I sometimes forget why I am even doing it and how bad it was. Thats when for a brief moment I think about having just one glass of wine after work… bullshit thinking I know… I just ignore it.


I know there is no way back for me… my addiction was only progressing over the years, recently it was really scary, if I won’t do it now I might never be able to save myself… I don’t really have a choice… and I kinda like it this way… no room for stupid discussions with my addicted mind

For ones I will do the right thing, I will do whatever it takes…

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Well done on your 23 days!
I was there but only a handful of months ago and so much has already changed for me that I feel it was another lifetime.
I look back on how fragile I was but how I kept showing up for myself. How I saved myself from a destructive black hole.
The best thing I ever did for myself was getting out of my own way and building a loving relationship with me.

“Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not.”

I love seeing your updates. :black_heart:

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Thank you so much Sienna x thats exactly what I needed to know… that at some point I will see today as another lifetime

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I totally get this – this is why I keep a reminder note to myself to remind me of the horror of the first days. The check in thread here also has helped me as I see my fellows starting on day 1 and am reminded of the chaos my body / mind went through.
It is a progressive disease and we are not guaranteed a recovery so for me that alone keeps me scared to even try that first sip. I sometimes think that I have almost 2 years and could start to moderate or drink occasionally and then remind myself a) i can never moderate and I know I’ll be back in full swing within days and b) it is literal poison that i am craving and that in itself is crazy - why do we want to crave something that is actual poison and will kill us!

Keep up the amazing work – 23 days and kicking addictions ass :muscle:


Looking forward to tomorrow, my daughter is coming around and we are going to the theatre… well, all them people having drinks before the show… it might be a bit challenging but I will be with my girl so I will be mum… I will be fine

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Have fun with your daughter at the movies. I usually take my own La Croix with me to the movies so that I am not tempted with the alcohol flowing all around (funny how even the movies are no longer a safe space for not getting triggered).

You got this friend – we are here for you if you feel triggered!

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Yes! Alcohol is impossibly everywhere lol

Thank you Jasmine, I really need you guys :heart:

Of course love - we are here to support and cheer you on :hugs:

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I was just scrolling through the thread… Stickys posts are all gone… I was thinking about him today a lot, hoping to hear from him… I hope he is ok…

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Oh no :cry: I was wondering why we hadn’t heard from him today. Sorry that he decided to delete the account. I too hope he is ok.

You still got all of us here love – you are not alone! Keep fighting the good fight :hugs:

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