Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

Hi, this is my first post, I joined this App 5 days ago, I’m sober 5 days now… thank you for helping me. I have been fighting my addiction to alcohol for over 5 years now, most of the time by myself. Reading your posts here I started trusting and believing… I don’t feel alone anymore. Thank you xxx


Welcome and congratulations on your 5 days Blanka.
Being active on here keeps me sober.
That and meetings now.
I could never do it alone. It’s ok to ask for help.
Hope to see you around.


Hi @Blanka, welcome to the team! Glad that reading through the forum has already been of help to you, please let us know if there is anything else specific that you would like help with? Great job on 5 days sober :muscle:

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Thank you so much Eric xxx I’m still learning how to use this app so might be clumsy to start with. Yes, I believe that checking in every day will make a massive difference! PS beautiful cat


Thank you :kissing_cat:
That’s Daisy.

There’s 2 very popular daily check in threads.

I like the Daily Gratitude thread.

It’s a powerful tool and a great way for me to start my day.

And there’s the daily check in thread lots of people use too

Join in when you’re comfortable. If you have any questions navigating the app. Just ask. Plenty of people around willing to help.


Thank you very much, I think I will just start with checking in every day and see how it goes for me xxx


Welcome Blanka, 5 days is awesome :ok_hand:t2:

I know! Thank you x Hard work though lol, ups and downs all day long. I cant wait for them to stop being so intense!
Sometimes I can’t believe that this is happening to me… this luck of control over my mind and actions. And it is getting worse and worse…

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Welcome to the community and a big congrats to you on your 5 days of sobriety. So glad that you have found us and are posting. This is a wonderful supportive community full of peers who can relate and understand the struggle.

Keep stacking up the days and I hope to see you around :muscle: I see Eric already put links to the check in and gratitude threads for you to visit – both are amazing and have helped me to stay connected and grounded in my journey :pray:

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5 days is a great start. I found success once I started using this app so it can happen for you too.
Check in everyday, I made a habit of doing it at roughly the same time everyday, but do what works for you. Stay strong and stack those days up

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Welcome @Blanka. It’s not luck, its hard work and you are doing it! Well done on your 5 days, that is such an achievement. I’m just a week or so ahead of you so know exactly what you are going through.

Together we can do this!

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Hi, just checking in, day 6, feeling great, first day without almost any cravings, I spent 5 hours cleaning my kitchen… and I loved doing it, and it feels so fresh now, its like im getting ready for my new better life. Thank you for being there for me xxx

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Yes we can do it, how is it going at yours? X

Welcome Blanka!! So glad you are here with us. Congratulations on your 5 days!!! Keep going!! :heart::people_hugging:

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Pretty good thank you. I spent the evening knitting and watching NCIS. I also did the kitchen deep clean in the first week or so. That is where my persnal laptop is and it feels so good to sit in my nice clean and tidy kitchen. Watch out though… it spreads! I did my bedroom next!

Have a great sober day :people_hugging:

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Lol, I know! I’m ordering new blinds for my windows today! Plus booked myself to hairdressers for Wednesday :wink: Life is good. Have a great sober day! XXX


Welcome, congratulations on day 6. Five hours of cleaning is amazing!

One of these days… today would normaly end up with a bottle of wine. Im back home from work, over-stimulated, very tired. Drinking some green tea, vaping, feeling like crying. In 1 hour it will be 1 week sober for me… just keep going xxx


That first week is a bitch. I did a lot of crying too. I’d take a real hot shower around 5 pm. Instead of opening a bottle. And I’d sit in it for 20-30 minutes and cry. I was so upset because I can’t drink like a normal person. Hang in there my friend. I’m so happy you reached out. One hour at a time.


Crying can be a nice release of all those emotions. Sounds like a week is coming up, very exciting!! It gets better! Stay strong!! :heart::people_hugging::heart: