Blew it and I'm having a breakdown

Fucked up, used today, lost my job. That was quick. I want to dissapear. Husband is not speaking to me. This is bad.

really sorry to hear that, the nature of addiction is so powerful it wants to get us all the time. So now you have lost your job you have an opportunity here to really focus on quitting using, addiction won’t stop at causing havoc to our lives, you have to take control, the need to use will be with you, it doesn’t stop when you stop. All you can do now is start again but do something differently, good luck


I’m sorry about your loss, and. Thank you for your support! you were just texting me last night and thanks to you, I just finished up my 2nd sober. I never realized how fragile our recovery time is. I was suppose to go out and take care of my laundry today but couldn’t trust myself. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

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So sorry to hear about your job loss. I bet that is very stressful for you. I like what @Jojo said about really focusing on your recovery. Use your relapse as a learning tool. What circumstances/people were going on that day . When we fall, we get back up. Whatever you do done ever EVER give up. You got this!


Just take care now not to escalate matters, everything happens for a purpose. the sun will still rise and set


A few months ago, I too lost my job due to drinking and calling in sick too many times . It was absolutely horrible but it was also the moment I finally decided to seek help and dedicate all my time and power to stopping drinking.
Nowadays I am in treatment, sober, working again and know that losing my job was kind of necessary, no matter how awful it felt.
So the best thing you can do is to take this as an opportunity, it’s in your hand to turn this setback into positive turning point in your life.