Bloodwork, Chevy55 and my focus

Three years ago when I decided to retire, it was brought on from many changes in my company, my new responsibility of just having lead our home delivery teams nationally through Covid, and the training and education I was responsible for for a national delivery team, coast to coast.
That added work load and not enjoying things for a few years lead me to incredible stress and just bad living habits that involved lots of added alcohol.

It also lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and firmly into type two diabetes!

After I left work, moved across country back to my home province, my stress did diminish and as much as I tried, I couldn’t get those three issues under control… bring on sobriety to start this year.
It brought a renewed focus and interest in working out and eating healthy and in a caloric deficit. Focus on proper rest and nutrition.

In the scheme of things, it hasn’t been a long time for sobriety, only 116 days…
Last night I got my blood work results and of the 7 pages and literally probably 100 test results, everything came back as NORMAL!
Specifically my cholesterol is firmly in middle of normal range and Hgb A1c, is just below mid range of NORMAL! No diabetes, no pre-diabetes. Add to that my blood pressure past couple weeks has been running the normal range as well…

Now, I need to still follow up with doc to see if 1 test means medication stops or changes, but it’s all back to normal, and that’s better than I could have hoped for!

Sobriety has given so many gifts to me in this short time, and I am excited to see where it leads as I continue my fitness/ health journey into the future, but I do know I am so appreciative of this new lifestyle and of course all of you that have been part of my support, even if that just meant reading my rambles… it helps me to write things down and that someone out there is hearing me…

Lots of love today :two_hearts::heart::two_hearts: and appreciation/gratitude :pray: to all I have found since beginning this quest.

It can be done, and it doesn’t have to take forever. It just takes one foot in front of the other. One step at a time. One day at a time… we can get there.

Be well and if you are still reading, :heart::heart:


That’s wonderful about the labs, Chevy! :sunny::star2::rainbow:


Way to go @Chevy55 what a great testament to just some of the positives of sobriety. Love your recovery journey my friend


Never a bad idea to stop drinking, for anyone, ever.

Well done :100:


Awesome Chevy!! Our body is insane with what it can do hey. Love your posts and energy, always inspiring :pray:


Thank you for sharing all the ups and the downs with us :facepunch: I big congrats on these wins!!!


Thanks all, I appreciate your notes and loves… waiting for a virtual doc appt currently to discuss and see if it’s really as celebratory as it seems.

Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover:


I think you’re good friend. Alcohol is poison, as is too much stress, but the human body is an incredibly resilient machine. It can take so much and still rebound and get healthy again when we start taking proper care for it. Although there is a threshold that can be crossed after which irreparable damage is done. Seems to me you didn’t get there yet. Very happy for you!


Congratulations to you! Fantastic news!


That’s great news Chad! Awesome!
Congratulations! :confetti_ball:
How we choose to eat and live has such a big influence on our heath, I’m such a strong believer of that!

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Way to go Chevy.
So great to read all your health benefits from getting sober. And might I add rather quickly too. That’s amazing. I’m so happy you came on board here and joined us. It does keep getting better. It’s been a pleasure to know you this far.
Great share.


What a wonderful note to read Eric. Thank you so much!
And again, thank you to everyone that has commented, liked and or just engaged with me since I’ve landed here.
I truly love this site and all the people that make it work. What an amazing, eclectic, diverse, intelligent, empathetic and understanding group it is.

I think we all just appreciate life and people a little more than many having come back from a very dangerous and dark place and fully realizing that.

Enjoy another day and try to appreciate the wonderful chance we have been given.


Oh this is fantastic news Nick! Love all the benefits you are seeing in your sober journey. Keep fighting the good fight my friend :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Great to share this wonderful news with you @Chevy55! A true testament to the benefits of sobriety :muscle:


My post today to a small specific group of friends via Facebook after finally getting a half hour with Doc discussing my blood work!! I was a bit pumped :heart:

I have been putting a lot of focus on my health and fitness this year, with intention and reason.
No longer wishing to drink, and become a healthier version of myself. Drop the weight (down 21lbs this year), improve my bloodwork and drop dependancy on medications, and or take because of other benefits other than what they are required for.
I am very excited to say that my cholesterol is perfectly normal now, my type two diabetes is no longer as well. As a matter of fact she said all of my bloodwork and samples are perfectly normal. Nothing elevated or concerning.
I will continue on these meds now for some benefits towards ultimate weight goal, then determine what if any I will take at that point.
My blood pressure has also been on point for the past month, and I will continue monitoring and reduce that medication as it drops further, till the point comes when not needed.
It feels great, I am proud of the work I’ve done. I also have a ton of gratitude for my wife (Christine) supporting my crazy eating wants and perhaps an occasional mood swing, :joy: , the emotional support and gym advice from my son (Nate), as well as some fantastic friends that have helped me along this journey also, specifically Peter with probably way too many emails to him on advice and his help with some specific targeted training towards what I needed…As well Theresa, with some early designs of a workout routine that has morphed a bit since I began…Thank you all, and if not mentioned, you know who I’ve called upon for support when required, helped me immensely as well.
Now I just continue down the health and weight loss path in my almost completed gym (photos attached), that I just love…matter of fact, I need to get my arse down there right now!