Bonnie Plunkett

I’m signing off and deleting this app.
…no one even asked if I had a sponsor, but were very eager to tell me what to do. I thought an addict could only suggest what worked for them??
This place isn’t for me.
Good luck!
BTW…I didn’t drink the bottle…not a drop.
See ya

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Well done on 5 days , would ask if you could keep us posted but as your leaving i wish you well


It seemed they did. Many of us have been in the situation where we have a bottle in the home. Whether you avoid it for 3 days or 3 weeks, that bottle likely will not stay closed or full. Many of us have experienced this exact scenario, thus the advice to ditch it. Hardly an overstep.
Whether or not you have a sponsor is totally irrelevant to the danger that bottle represents. I question why are you so adamantly against pouring it out? If you wish to not drink, surely you have no use for it?

But you know yourself. Good luck. Hope to see you back someday.


Hey there, I’m sure of the post that you’re talking about, but it sounds like you had a bottle of booze near you and you didn’t drink it. That is huge! I’m not sure what the replies were, but if I know this app, it was probably to toss the booze down the drain! If that is the case, it’s just a bunch of drunks trying to help someone make a good decision (a good decision that can be really hard to make on our own!)

For me,Pouring the booze in my house down the sink actually ended up being a significant moment for me in sobriety. I was about five days sober, coming out of the haze. When I hit bottom and decided on my first day of sobriety, I was so sick and out of it that not drinking was my only option. A few days into sobriety, I had a clearer head, more energy, and my brain was doing the “oh, that was just the holidays, you got through it, took a few days off, you’re fine now, have a drink” thing.

Fighting that voice, I uncapped any booze that were left in the house (some unopened) and I poured them down the sink.

For me it was a clear headed and conscious commitment to sobriety that has stuck with me. Two days ago was my four year anniversary and getting sober is still the best decision I’ve ever made.

Happy to be here sober with you today. Good luck out there. I hope you stick around and we can keep sharing.


This isn’t an AA site. Some members are in AA, many others are not. So you will get a variety of answers and advice.

I realize emotions are high and we all feel pretty cranky and are easily annoyed in early days, so you are not alone there.

Sometimes it helps to read more here in early days of joining, get a feel for the place. Then see if it fits for you.

Wish you well on your sobriety journey!!


Sorry no one cosigned your bullshit and did things the way you wanted. I wonder what your sponsor would say about this post.


Personally I needed telling exactly what to do and became very grateful of it bc everything I knew about recovery kept getting me drunk.


I have a bottle too hidden for myself (smh)
*it is for Emergencies!!
yes I am still an addict but at least I am not drinking now. One day the bottle goes out.
And I don’t like people tell me what to do either.

I cannot speak for the individual, but I can speak for me. In the beginning, it was tough not to have one accessible. For me, it was a psychological attachment, a mental security blanket. It was the only way I knew how to cope.

I was one of the serial relapsers…for decades. Booze was the only thing I knew. I just couldnt fathom life without it. The first week, “what ifs” ran through my head. With it, even if I said I wasnt going to use it, I found…what I thought was some peace.

I was also one of the individuals, that didnt find instant clarity when I stopped drinking. It took time, for me, for the levelheadeness of sobriety to catch up with me not drinking. Through the kindness of strangers here, and enough days away from booze I developed a confidence that I didnt need it. So I parted ways with it.

That is for me anyways. I have never asked the many people on here why they keep it around in the beginning.


I read that thread you posted the other day. Not once did I ever feel that a member on here TOLD you what to do. They were suggestions… suggesting that you get rid of the bottle. Everyone on here was genuinely concerned about you and your sobriety. It is VERY risky to have ur DOC or any other form of substance just lieing around ur place. I can only speak for myself, but when I’ve done that with my DOC (thinking I’ll have it around “just in case”)… my addictive thinking ended up convincing me of every damn reason under the sun to use it and it was inevitable to relapse. I HAVE to make it hard for me to use. We were all just concerned. Part of recovery (and this was tough for me), was listening and taking the suggestions from what people before us have done that has worked for them. I wouldn’t be where I am today without others advice. You are always welcome back on TS :slight_smile:


Best response to anything I’ve seen here in at least 6 months :ok_hand:

@liv_m i also have the same question about the title



Now, ofcourse! Hindsight being 20/20.


Did you drain the bottle?


This. Sponsor or not, many of us know from experience the clear and present danger a bottle in the house is.


If you do have a sponsor they need to help with the poor me syndrome. That’s one of an addicts worst traits.


BTW, glad to hear this. Let’s not minimize you very intentionally brought booze into the house and thought about it.

That’s the razor’s edge of a relapse, and I worry for you. Apologies if it was unwelcome concern.


Well said Derek! It’s only taken me 10 days to work out that you don’t mince your words.

You are a man of few words, but boy do they crack me up when you post them :rofl:

I would have one word for ‘Misterbucko’ to consider if he were still around-‘EGO’
The downfall of many an addict, including me!


A gentle reminder about derailing, assuming good intentions and also dogpiling.