Book & Film Recommendations Please

Hi, I’m new here. I’ve just made my account and am figuring out how this community works. I was hoping you could recommend me some books or films that you’ve found helpful? Thank you. C. x


Hey welcome to the community :v:.
I read “this naked mind” by Annie Grace, a little while back and got a lot out of it


I second what @Jasty2 said. Annie grace started me on my sober journey and i learned lots

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welcome to TS. you can read through the book & film threads, there are general ones and ones specific on addiction literature/films/podcasts. use the search function to look up keywords or browse the categories above.

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Welcome! Here’s an extensive list of book recommendations.


The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. It works much better when you read it with a sponsor.


Actually this was a pretty decent movie, starring James Woods. We watched it in rehab program


Big book was the only book when i got sober ,


Welcome Charlotte :wave:

I’m not a huge reader, so that’s why I like this book. Start to finish in less than an hour. It showed me how much I’ve been brainwashed by alcohol, and now I don’t fall for it’s lies.


I was a heavy drinker for 20 years. Meetings work for some people they did not work for me. What worked was prayer and reading the bible daily. I understand a lot of people aren’t into that it’s just what worked for me. I asked for help and Jesus answered.

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I seen the attractions for this the other night, and really want to see it. Alot of them are in real time recovery. Just looks like a feel good movie