Bookmarking a trip

Hi, all! I am bookmarking here for accountability. I have to travel to take care of some legal stuff for my parent’s estate. Normally I would use this as an excuse to drink—nobody will know because I am alone. But, I want to do something different this time around. I want to enjoy a good book or podcast, maybe attend an online meeting, and go to bed early. But, I am only a few days in……so I am nervous. I could really use some encouragement and suggestions for staying busy. Thank you!! :pray:t3:


Good for you!! Accountability can be quite helpful. Do you journal at all? That often helps me figure stuff out and also calm my mind. Another thing I have found helpful is having a list of why I don’t drink anymore…what I want and don’t want in life. It really helped ground me and bring me back to the reality of using when I felt shaky. The reality of my drinking versus the fantasy of it. Might be a helpful place to start. :slightly_smiling_face:


How are you doing on the trip?

Thanks for checking, Matt. I don’t leave until tomorrow. It is at the tail-end of the weekend and Monday.


No doubt you can do this and let any residual feelings or memories about your parents to just come and go.

Here is a list of readings, meetings, and other resources people on TS have used to get and stay sober.


I am back in the room—ready for bed and SOBER!! I didn’t bring cash (a trigger) and invited some local family to the hotel to swim and have dinner. Yay!! It feels like a WIN!!