Books and Audiobooks 🤓

I’m sure plenty of you have read/listened to this, but I just wanted to put it out there. I’m only on chapter 3 and it’s been rather eye opening. :mending_heart::white_heart::mending_heart:

I would love some more recommendations. :purple_heart:


That is a classic! I haven’t read it myself but I have seen it mentioned many times here.

There is an active thread about books and reading here; people share about the books on their reading list, likes / dislikes / opinions, some books are fiction, some non-fiction (and lots of them are quit-lit just like Quit Like a Woman :innocent:). Maybe you can share this there and join in the book discussion?



Thank you :smiling_face::revolving_hearts:

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I really liked the Catherine Gray books! Start with The unexpected joy of being sober.