Books that discuss the "how" part of quitting drinking

Big Book of AA

Ive never been to AA, read the big book and feel like it’s not for everyone even though helpful for many. But I go to meetings for addicts three times a week and the community helps me a lot! In meetings some will also recommend good books possibly.

The book I can recommend most is only in German, do you speak/read German? ‘Verstehen was uns süchtig macht, Kuntz’
I also want to know how to get through cravings more but most books I found were life storys. I started reading the life storys more and always found a few good tips on how to get through a craving in the end when the writer gets sober. Sometimes it’s meditation, sometimes it’s complete honesty to the people around them, sometimes it’s writing the craving down. I found the life storys helpful because it shows that when I do not give up I can really make it out and that there is not just one way but many.

Certainly books for addiction therapists/specialists or medical books for rehab workers will give skills to get through cravings, I found some but don’t remember the names and they’re in German too.

The book that helped me with cravings a lot was:
‘Bliss more’ by Light Watkins, that is a book on meditation, nothing about addiction, but meditating with that technique every day helped me through many cravings.

Also ‘the Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle can be a good way to get out of that craving