Books to listen on audible

Was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, Sensi Ando’s “Fight for a Happy Life” while working out. During the episode he said something that made me stop in mid-pushup, rewind and listen again: “Beginners flounder, Experts execute, but Masters make it look easy”. He’s also said in other episodes “Masters make mistakes. What separates them is they do it right MOST of the time, and yet maintain the dedication and determination to do it right EVERY time, even while understanding that this is an impossible goal.”

Both applicable to sobriety, I think. Beginners should work on expertise, and Experts to mastery. Masters never stop working.

Here’s the episode:

It’s not about martial arts techniques. It’s about applying martial arts principles to all aspects of life.

I’m on chapter 21 it’s getting super good :grinning: everyday I’m thinking what can I do to listen to this in peace and quiet now that painting is done lol! I was driving and it was on in a super intense part I had to stay in my car for a few before getting into the coffee shop because I was completely immersed in the book lol! Thank you again for the recommendation!

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