Today is day 22 sober for me and I am delighted by that achievement. And today for the first I felt the “brain fog” finally lift. I felt “normal” if you get what I mean. This is great, however along with this has come my ability to FEEL again and I’ve even had a few ‘pink cloud’ moments… but… my anxiety which had definitely dramatically reduced after 4/5 days sober has somewhat returned today. My head is racing ahead worrying about this and that, everything in fact and I’m finding it hard to find the peace I was feeling . Don’t get me wrong I have no desire to drink but wondered if anyone had any suggestions for me ? Thanks for listening
Congratulations on 22 days!
The emotions can really hit you in the face though I find meditation and yoga are very helpful. I use the Calm app for meditation but there are lots of others, as well as lots of free stuff on YouTube.
Are you in touch with your GP about your anxiety?
No our gps are rubbish but I do use apps like calm and I’m trying breathing exercises and also lavender oil and herbal teas. I’m calmer now. In bed reading . Just had a moment. It’s not like I have panic attacks or anything I just worry so much, been like that since I was about 20 , I don’t know how to meditate or where to learn x
Hi @adeygaga49, I’m new to meditation too and I was wondering how to learn it. But using the calm app worked wonders for me, so did headspace. Sadly both are quite limited if you’re not paying for it. But it’s absolutely worth giving it a try.
Thank you I will try again with the calm app. I use to need to use sleep apps on my phone but one thing I have no problem with now is sleeping . I love my sleep now ! Sober sleep is amazing . Thank you again for the advise x
Thank you for your advise I will certainly try that. Not moving right now though as I’m in bed ! 10.30pm here
I paid for the Calm subscription, I use it most days so it’s been worth it. There’s an app called Insight Timer which I think is free. I found the way Calm is organised helpful though. There’s lots of resources out there (including YouTube) , the key is sticking with it, I only do 10 minutes a day and find that makes a difference.
Also agree with @anon30771928 that getting moving is a good idea. I find a walk a good way to clear my head. Try and do it as part of my routine, not just wait until I feel like I need it. I’ve also been doing yoga in the mornings - there is loads of free stuff on YouTube which is amazing. Just finished this 30 days of yoga series and would recommend.
Glad to hear it passed though - the other thing to try and remember at times of anxiety is this too shall pass ️
Oh my, yes! In my first month my anxiety came back like a wave. It has gotten better with more time and recovery.
Things that help me, some repeats as above:
- Letting go through the practice of meditation
- Support program/group
- When something recurs, putting the energy to seeking change
The last one is the hardest for me in the face of anxiety but often necessary for real relief. A program of recovery (12 step program, SMART, Refuge Recovery, etc) provides great tools. For anxiety specifically, CBT and groups were likewise a tremendous relief. I find all of these practices now in AA, though your mileage may vary. Agree it’s good to consult a doc.
And lest I forget! Taking a minute to come here to hit the Meditation, Check In, and Meme threads is a good pick me up.
The hardest one for me which makes it the most important one to focus on!
Im with Mel. Do you exercise? It helps to extrovert your attention, relieve stress and anxiety naturally… and for me it helps to boost my mood. Supplements help too… especially magnesium and b vitamins if your addiction was alcohol. Hope this helps
I use to walk 5 miles 5-7 times a week I haventbin first few weeks sober but started again this past week. I also am taking vitamin B complex magnesium and glucosamine with vitamin c. I sleep great so I’m just hoping it’s a one off anxiety moment thanks for advice x