Brand new to all of this

Welcome William! So glad to have u here! Congratulations on 4 days clean :slight_smile:


Welcome!! This is a wonderful supportive community. Check in every day and read as much as you can. Lots of great resources and stories.


Absolutely! Thanks


Thank you for your kind words and support!

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Im new to this community but can already tell its a great support system. You are not alone here and no need to feel any embarrassment here. We are all on a path to better ourselves and can use all the help thats out there. Congrats on your days sober- its one day at a time. Youve got this!


I have 73 days sober. Very new hear as well! I’m not sure how to maneuver through this: like how to reply to the topic. Not to individuals!


The arrow button on the previous post means you will reply to that poster. Some people scroll to the top and reply to the original poster. Or you can just reply to the topic by the bottom of the thread.

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Congrats on 73 days! If you want to respond to individual then reply under their comment. If you want to respond to topic, ive found you need to scroll to end of thread and then you can respond to topic.


It’s my first day and I only have about 18hrs under my belt. I have faith we can all do this together. I live on a reservation, so I know how it feels to have a lack of support. Good Karma.


Congratulations on your 4 days! :muscle:t4: So glad you’re here ! There are some Suboxone threads on here which may be interesting : helpful. Mostly, welcome ! :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Billy. An old member here, also on subs, mentioned a few times that he found a lot of support on Reddit as well. Might give a look around there. I believe he said they had a pretty active subs community there. Every little bit of support can help!!


Hey @Billy85 hows it going today??


Hey Martin. I just saw your post. Welcome to the community. :sparkles: Just checking in on you.


Hey Martin, congrats on your sober time. Im 12 days clean now! We can do this brother, one day at a time. Support is crucial, im just now learning that. Ive been taking some time to weed the garden. Anyone who is not for me and my road to recovery has got to go. This is my only chance to live again and im not letting anybody get in the way of that. I dont know how much support i can be right now personally but im here if you need someone!

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Absolutely, thanks for reaching out. Im glad to be here. The support has been amazingly helpful. Hope your day is going well.


Sprry just seeing this. Well, now i have to add going through a break up to my journey. We just decided to call it quits 5 months short of being together 10 years and getting engaged last year. Addiction wise im ok, but this is going to hurt for awhile :pensive:


Good to know! Thanks for taking time to reach out. I appreciate the support and helpful information!

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Hope you are doing well. :heart:

Sorry to hear about the breakup. We are here for you.


Congrats on your 12 days clean and I am sorry to hear about your relationship ending. I have recently ended one too it was way less than ten years though. Nonetheless it has still been tricky navigating the feelings without using substances. This was my first relationship clean… ever. Crazy shit.

Have you been able to build your support system a bit in the last few days?

I cleaned up in 2005 and got no supports for myself. Well no supports for me looked like doctors, psychiatrists and family. So I had supports but nobody who understood me and the life I had lead or the way my brain works. I ended up relapsing, i felt really alone. I had no idea how to show up for myself and I still felt like i didnt belong anywhere at the age of 34. So for 12 shitty years I was barely surviving the worst years of my life in that relapse then in 2019 I finally surrendered. I did everything different to what i had done in 2005. I completely surrounded myself with addicts in recovery, I went to all the recovery fellowships; NA,AA,CA,Refuge Recovery, Recovery Dharma, SMART. I tried it all, I stayed open minded, and willing to do anything to stay clean. I knew I couldnt do this by myself. Addiction is a beast and alone I am no match for it, I have proven that to myself over and over again. Eventually I found a formula of meetings, step work, service work, and having SO MUCH FUN in recovery that is helping to keep me clean.

I hope that you can find some support, this forum if used to its full capacity is a GREAT tool.

Here is an awesome thread with some wise words on it.
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)