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My moms takin me shes gonna look after my cats


What are your fears?

Seriously just general anxiety. Im not afraid to get sober but i know the detox is gonna suck. Those panic attacks in the meetings.


The anxiety will happen, thereā€™s no stopping that. BUT, you will be in an environment where it is safe to have them, where you arenā€™t responsible for anything other than getting through it. Other people will be taking care of your basic needs, so you can do whatever you want or need to get better. Other people will also be having anxiety and panic. This is the right time and place to learn how to deal with it. Iā€™d suggest pushing for rehab. Iā€™m sure they will suggest it, but being your own advocate will make your options better (I would imagine). Rehab will give you the opportunity to figure out how to deal with anxiety.

What else do you fear?


This time last year I managed to get off heroin I never thought I could have the life I have today. Your in my prayers. I wish I could help u cos I remember that frightened feelingā€¦ just keep the faith in god. If u donā€™t believe in a higher power u can borrow mine to get you through x

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God its getting so close i cant stop shaking and crying.

Im doin this shit tho man. Im scared bc im serious this time i love all of u ima let you know what happens when i get out. And hey if anyone is near me in pinellas county florida when i get out we already have a food party planned. My friends dad is a master on the smoker. We got my old ladies family from serbia cooking up that eastern european lamb and stuff. And me cookin i was a sous chef for a long time in the best italian restraunt in tampa bay 8 years running.


You are about to create a new life for yourself. You are about to be reborn. Thatā€™s wonderful and exciting and huge. I wish you all the best. :hugs:


I am praying for you! I know you REALLY want this and have faith this is going to set you up for success. I think you should take a pic so you can be in awe of your transformation down the road and also so you can remember this moment when times are hard. I was always a few days behind you when we started in February 2019. I can tell you it is soooo worth it. You deserve sobriety. Hugs and prayers to you! :heart::heart::heart:


Congratulations and i wish you all the best atleast your be in a safe place to detox

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Deep breaths, Sean. Surrender. We will be here when you get out. Let us know! You will be in my thoughts, friend!


Hang in there Sean. Weā€™re all here cheering you on. They will give you meds to calm your nerves. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

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Thinking of you Sean and sending you strength as courage :two_hearts::bird:

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Yo, @Sean2. How you doing, brother?

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I hope he donā€™t reply meaning he is in the clinic :slight_smile:


Doing better i only stayed a few days to make sure i didnt have a seizure. Felt like jail in there. But im still sort of detoxing and i caught the flu in there. So once im not contagious anymore im gonna start hitting the meetings again and looking for a new job. For now im just relaxing trying to get my weight back up watching curb your enthusiasm and reading the aa book


If you can stay away from work for a hit that will help to get the recovery sink inā€¦ If itā€™s money wise not possible then donā€™t :wink:


Thatā€™s great to hear, man. Relieved you got through the dangerous part with some help. Hereā€™s to not having to do that again!


That sounds pretty good!

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Apart from the flu thing, was just shoehorning a curb reference in. Hope youā€™re feeling better soon!

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Jeffs wife cracks me up shes always cussing everyone out

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