Brutally Honest

Welcome Ana! :heart:


Welcome Ana :wave: All of us here have faced the nightmare of addiction, with all the awful things that come with it. Living in addiction and getting out of addiction are full of dark moments (but as we get out of addiction, more and more we find the light).

Read around and you will see what people are sharing and what they have been through. If you have something you want to share, please do; share whatever you are comfortable sharing.

You are a good person and you deserve a safe, sober life where you can be your full, healthy self.


Thank you for welcoming me. I been trying sobriety from compulsive overeating for a little while. Sobriety from this addiction is abstinence from alcoholic foods which is the hardest challenge i have ever experienced. One day at a time.


Great job…keep going!


What are these? is that a metaphor?

Welcome! Overeating/BE thread: Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)


Welcome to the community Ana and a huge congrats on your 10 days.

This is a wonderful community. You will feel safe and supported here.

Take your time to read through threads - engage when comfortable. Use the search tool on top to look for threads that may be of interest. I do find that

Checking in daily to maintain focus #58 is super useful and helps with accountability.

Hope to see you around


Welcome to the forum ans congratulations on ur 10 days!!! I personally feel like this is a safe space. I have opened up and shared some very personal stuff related to my addiction on here and everyone here has been so compassionate amd caring. Not judgmental at all! :smiley:


Welcome Ana! 30 days clean as of today, 09/06/23 myself! 1 day at a time… keep coming back and hello all, newcomer myself to all of this!


Alcoholic foods are the foods that causes craving like most common is starches and sugar
Thank you all for all the warm welcome.


2 week mark, Today was hard, almost relapsed, but was able to make a healthy choice. This shit is hard. Lots of prayers, self control. One More day of sobriety. Yay!


Definitely a safe place. A place where you will find honest, caring people with great advice. I feel least vulnerable when I’m here.


Congratulations on two weeks, that’s amazing!


Super safe my friend. Welcome to the recovery crew!


Thank you, it’s challenging but feeling good

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Congratulations on 2 weeks :sunflower:

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Welcome to you, yes this is a safe space. There is a new thread that has just opened in the last few days. The link to it is in the binge eating thread that is linked up above. You can click on @Aleyadaisey name to find both threads.
Editing to add that I often times call myself a sugaraholic or a cheeseaholic.
One bite makes me want the rest of it. Thanks to me being on the site I have learned about things like trying to control it. One thing is I don’t have sugar around. And as far as cheese goes I never tell myself that I can just have one little piece because I can’t. I have found a fat free feta that if I eat the whole container it’s OK. It’s not that big of a portion or that many calories. So I understand what you’re saying even though the phrasing can be different.


Your doing amazing, really proud of you :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, welcome! This place is a god send. I have shared some extremely personal stuff during my sober journey and have been met with nothing but support and no judgment. I’m sure you will find what you are looking for here. :smiling_face::pray:t2::two_hearts:

Thank you so much! I appreciate the support. I joined an online group for OA. It’s helpful, but i find it to be extremely rigid. Abstinence from food It’s different from a substance like alcohol. I have to worry about not eating so many foods I love. I become robotic, obsess about being perfect instead of enjoying life in healthy ways.


I woke up in Gratitude this morning. Yesterday was hard, i was too tired to do anything and felt lonely. I hate feeling lonely. Yesterday was a perfect example of a day where i would indulge in my addiction. Instead I fasted 16 hours, binged on good movies abd rested. Today is a new day. I will meditate this morning. That is a far as i can plan.