Brutally Honest

Welcome to you, yes this is a safe space. There is a new thread that has just opened in the last few days. The link to it is in the binge eating thread that is linked up above. You can click on @Aleyadaisey name to find both threads.
Editing to add that I often times call myself a sugaraholic or a cheeseaholic.
One bite makes me want the rest of it. Thanks to me being on the site I have learned about things like trying to control it. One thing is I don’t have sugar around. And as far as cheese goes I never tell myself that I can just have one little piece because I can’t. I have found a fat free feta that if I eat the whole container it’s OK. It’s not that big of a portion or that many calories. So I understand what you’re saying even though the phrasing can be different.


Your doing amazing, really proud of you :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, welcome! This place is a god send. I have shared some extremely personal stuff during my sober journey and have been met with nothing but support and no judgment. I’m sure you will find what you are looking for here. :smiling_face::pray:t2::two_hearts:

Thank you so much! I appreciate the support. I joined an online group for OA. It’s helpful, but i find it to be extremely rigid. Abstinence from food It’s different from a substance like alcohol. I have to worry about not eating so many foods I love. I become robotic, obsess about being perfect instead of enjoying life in healthy ways.


I woke up in Gratitude this morning. Yesterday was hard, i was too tired to do anything and felt lonely. I hate feeling lonely. Yesterday was a perfect example of a day where i would indulge in my addiction. Instead I fasted 16 hours, binged on good movies abd rested. Today is a new day. I will meditate this morning. That is a far as i can plan.


WOW Ana - so grateful to read this and see how well you handled your feelings and stayed away from the addiction. Should be super proud of yourself.

Love your plans for today - have a wonderful addiction free Sunday.

I think you may find the Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5 thread to be helpful – i have found daily gratitude to be super helpful in my recovery :heart:

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Congratulations! Ten days is a good start. Welcome Ana.

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Thank you, i stayed busy, that helps

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Today was a day of reflection. A little triggered watching 9/11 memorial. It made me feel guilty for ruminating on my addiction. There are people with worse problems. Anyone feel similar?


Ah Ana - I know that day 9/11 is forever with me like it is for everyone else. Just read that you actually saw the 2nd plane hit - that is got to be so traumatic.

The gratitude’s are overflowing today. We do need to always remember that we have been given a 2nd chance at life -getting our health and strength back. 2+ weeks in the books for you and going strong :muscle:


Yes it is, thank you for your kind words, encouraging

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Love this! Such a great thing to read this morning in sunny UK


Welcome to the community Sarah!

How do you self soothe when you are feeling worried, obsessing about what comforts you but I s not good for you. I am selfish, I want what i want l Iike right now. I think I will pray.

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THIS helps me the most - meditation and prayer! I also practice positive affirmations and repeat them over and over.

A few you may want to try…
I am worthy of an addiction free life
I am strong and capable
I am young and healthy

I do hope that some if not all of these help you today! :people_hugging:

Hey Ana - how is your day going? Did the prayer help?

Thank you for checking in. Yes, it did. I am triggered when i am tired. I prayed and rested. I do the big book prayers. When i take the focus off myself, I have a different perspective.

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Well done on using the tools you have and keeping on the sobriety path! Yeah to another 24 hours in the books :pray:

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I really love this place because there is true anonymity. I find it very freeing I can say whatever I want without worrying about what people think.

It does help to have a safe space, welcome :pray: