Burn out/ depression

Looks like I am in a phase that you may have gotten yourself out of! It gives me hope to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just got to try different things to try to find some enjoyment and motivation in life. Congratulations on almost 5 months. I know it’s not easy! :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:

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I’m going to give this some serious thought and get back to you.

Man You have been really helpful, everyone here has. Im grateful for this community.


Honestly I have been trying to think of this all day today and last night and I can’t come up with my definition of a good day. I could describe it for me almost 5 months ago when I was still drinking, but right now I can’t because my satisfaction and gratification have been screwed up for so long.

I guess in terms of some levels of good days like you were talking about-

One where I can get all the things I need to get done, done early enough in the day to where I can take a nap, then wake up and spend time trying to find something new that interests me. Also go to the gym.

This would of course only be possible on a Saturday and Sunday when I don’t work.

So yes, this is setting myself up in my head to already believe Monday-Friday will blow. :man_facepalming:t2:

In sobriety I am consciously working on trying to rewire my brain, and damn that is probably the hardest thing I have ever attempted.


Congratulations on staying sober during tough times! I can relate in respect to depression and struggling to find the joy in sobriety. I too have been a binge drinker for most of my life,and am struggling to find my niche. I don’t know if you have a good spiritual support,but for me personally I am finding that simply praying for help from my higher power isn’t enough. Depending on where you are at in your steps,you’re unrest just might be exactly where you’re supposed to be in the process. As alcoholics we were conditioned to instant gratification with a few drinks however, I am finding in sobriety things actually take time.
Remember progress not perfection.


Thank you for the reminder :slight_smile:

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You’re very welcome :relaxed:

Just to clarify for everyone, the promises may start to come true when your halfway through your amends, not halfway through the steps. That’s what it is talking about in promise #1. This was tripping me up for a while having me thinking I was missing something or doing something wrong. Bottom line, I’m not even close to that point yet. So I’ll keep at it one day at a time.