Caffeine- quitting for health

Hi everyone! I’m almost 3 years sober from alcohol praise god. But this addictive line of thinking doesn’t end there. I have had to quit caffiene for health reasons (endocrine). I find myself craving coffee so intensely since quitting 3 months ago. Any tips out there? I drink herbal teas, Chicory root, and decaf coffee occasionally to replace it


Thank you very much and you’ve got this!!!


Ive been on peppermint tea since i was diagnosis of Diverticular thats over a year now dont mis normal tea or coffee and it helps my colon


I still drink caffeine so I don’t have any helpful tips for you but have you joined us in this other thread? There might be some useful info for you :slightly_smiling_face:

The Caffeine Circus Cycle of Fail

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Well, I guess that depends on why you are craving coffee. Is it the ritual of having the hot cup of something to drink? Is it the flavor? Is it because you miss the physical and psychological rush of caffeine hitting your system when you drank coffee; which your brain could have associated with the flavor and habit of drinking the coffee?

Did you quit caffeine happily, as in “I have decided that I no longer want to drink caffeine” or are you internally bummed out that you have “had” to quit and that you “can’t” drink it anymore?

If you simply miss the flavor of coffee or having a warm drink to start your morning, tea and decaf will do the trick. However, if there is more to it than that, simply replacing your cup with something else will likely be unsatisfying.

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