Calculate sobriety

Hi gang, trying to get my sober count in days but can’t find the calculator! Der!:kissing_heart:

On the screen when you first open the Sober Time app, click Edit (pencil icon) at the bottom. There’s a setting for the Display Mode.

I have been sober for 77,987,919 seconds. :rofl:

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Cool! I have been sober (alcohol) for 11,217 days. But relapsed on pills, so my second and true sobriety days are 5421😸
It’s an honest program, dammit lol.
Keep up the good living, Eke❤️


Well dang, good on ya!

Same to you HuZZy. :v: And welcome.

Wow :flushed: That’s amazing. Good job :wink:

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Everyone does it One day at a time, as you know! Original date was 1990 but relapsed on prescription drugs. So. Keep on keeping on!:wink:

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Either way @HuZZy5

Your current round is around what 14 years? That’s no easy feat by any means

Being an addict is hard but once I have the tools to “right living” it gets a lot easier! I use AA to guide me along with wise friends! Who aren’t afraid of telling me the truth about myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: