Came down off the pink cloud

Hey Gareth, yeah man, I’m ok. Thanks. A little off and on mental romance with whiskey over the past couple of days. Still sober. How’s things on your shores…

isnt that people refer to as ‘the wall’ or something? :thinking:

Going okay thanks I think I’m going to grab a couple of hours sleep before work, hl havn’t really been tired after having a long nap after work yesterday I’ll be okay though. I’m glad your okay, reading your post just gave me the impression that you were feeling a bit down but as long as you’re staying the course there will hopefully be brighter days ahead. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t know if this is hindsight or just coincidence but I feel like I was on a lovely fluffy pink cloud around my 3 - 5 months of being sober. Then I had crash in my mental health around this time last year and I feel like I haven’t quite got back to normal. Although I’m not sure I really know what normal is. I want my fluffy pink cloud to be my normal :rainbow::unicorn::dash: :see_no_evil: But of course it isn’t. I try and remember that the only thing that is guaranteed is that things change. Be here now, accept life on the terms it gives you and make the most of the good bits when they pop up!

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I don’t know if I’d call my experiences a Pink Cloud. I’m coming up on two years sober, and I feel great, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I do have bad days…tressful challenging days, but who doesn’t? However, I look at the general trend-line and it’s still going in the right direction: up.

So what’s my secret? Kaizen. Each day, I strive to do something a little bit better today, than I did yesterday, and in doing so I get better at getting better.


Thank you all for your input, advice etc… I’ve no desire to drink as I tell myself the consequences will be bad, and I’ll feel much worse than the eh feeling I have now… I’ve been a bit complacent lately as well missing some meetings with work and obligations and such… I’m Going to a meeting tonight and meeting with my sponsor and help another alcoholic start the steps :smiley: Blessings and continued sobriety to all! I love this place :pray:t2::heart:


Have you worked the steps pal :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes I have :smiley:

Ah i was just wondering as the pink cloud is normally associated with early sobriety which I assumed you were in with you asking about it then you were talking about taking somebody through the steps so I got a little confused. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad to hear you have plans to get out of that rut of complacency!

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Completely relate to this! Needed to hear this thanks!