Came down off the pink cloud

Almost at 6 months and I feel like I’ve come down from the pink cloud… the euphoric high and overall good feelings of being sober! I don’t have any desire to drink just feel a little blah… anyone else hit that point?


Yeah I would say so, I’m not sure I was on a pink cloud but I sure felt amazing for a few months. I have undoubtedly leveled out now but I’m still positive and generally happy. Life’s never gonna be a bed of roses but at least we have a chance at it if we are sober :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve heard of the pink cloud, but I’m not sure if I am experiencing or have experienced it. I still feel pretty happy that I’m maintaining my sobriety, but I’m still doing a lot to actively work toward recovery. What sort of things do you do to stay sober? Are you still actively engaging in habits for recovery?

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Im a newcomer but have had sobriety b4. I go to meetings and get a sponsor. A sponsor will help guide you in the way u should go. Suggestions is what they are called. 1 day at a time… minute by minute if u have 2


I don’t think so… I felt enthusiastic at first and that enthusiasm still comes and goes based on many internal and external factors. I remember @Lionfish experiencing this for about a month… if I remember correctly :thinking:


I thought women were always on pink clouds?:thinking::smile: jk


Depending on how much you drank, could also be PAWS (Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome).


I never got to enjoy the pink cloud. I have been on a rollercoaster since I detoxed.


This is clutch.
Well said. I take comfort in hearing things like this because it reminds me that the tools for recovery are virtually the same for everyone. In general, it seems like no matter how different our situations are, the solutions are all pretty much the same.
I think this is because our tendency toward addiction is a human problem. The phenomena that it creatures in the body is universal.

Its ironic because I drank in order to separate myself from others and, in the end, my addiction is what showed me how alike we all are. I feel more connected to humanity, now, than ever before.

To the OP @Bren4791
I know exactly what you’re going through and yes, it’s normal. If you’re like me, there’s this latent sense of “what gives!? I’m doing everything right!” Don’t get too bent outta shape. That’s just real life coming to pay a quick visit. Rest assured that these blah/meh/WTF days will come and go but most of the time, you’re gonna feel great about being sober.


I’m very sorry that it feels like that. But recognizing it for what it is has to be a huge help.

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So frustrating. Isn’t it?


I feel like I had it two months at least in the beginning. I kept wondering what was going on, like when was the other shoe going to drop. Maybe it’s a Milestone thing… They are always hard for me. 6, 9, 12 months etc they were all “blah”. For no other reason than they just were lol

I think once the “appeal” of it wore off I realized I had to do some deeper work on my sobriety and to develop a new sense of who I was.


I needed to read this, thank you…

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And I needed to read this, also…


Are you ok Chris mate? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow… I never knew about the Pink Cloud until just now Lmao ( Just Googled it). Is this what ive been feeling the whole time (21 days for me)?! I kind of find it hard to believe… I’m aware of Life in general and that it can be a bitch sometimes but if I’m Aware of the Good, Bad and Ugly I will prevail, no?
I also consider myself a reasonable and practical man. Open to different points of view and I will reflect on this Pink :cloud:. Thank you for pointing this out and I’d also like to thank everyone else for such wonderful insight.


For me the pink cloud comes and then it goes. It comes back as long as i continue to do the next right thing. Its a natural high thing for me.

Happiness in recovery is a sort of mind game. My drinking thinking is always trying to take the wind out of the sails of my recovery thinking.

Some days just the fact that i havent been drinking makes me feel good. Other days it feels like im the most boring person on earth.

Spending time in nature, making art, and helping others helps me get out of the funk when it happens.


Sorry if there was some confusion. My response was in regard to the original poster. The questions were meant to ask if he feels complacent in recovery.

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Never heard of PAWS before. Thanks for sharing that info. I’ve had three months of no alcohol and longer without weed. I’ve certainly experienced some of those symptoms during my recovery.


There are some good threads on here about PAWS, you can use the search function at the top to find them. I would recommend doing so, it’s allways nice to know what’s going on with us and that is just normal. :+1::slightly_smiling_face: