Can anyone here help me with step 2?

I dont have a sponsor yet but would like to start dissecting this step.

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Theres a great app i use on mobile AA12 steps guide



I’d recommend getting a sponsor first. Everyone has a different way of doing things and you’re going to get conflicting advice. Doesn’t mean one way is better than the other, but it may make it very confusing for you.

For me I did steps 1-3 in one night with my sponsor. For step 1 I actually wrote on how my life and my alcoholism were unmanageable.

Step 2 was believing the program can work for me.

Step 3 was committing to do the rest of the steps. I showed my commitment by reciting the 3rd step prayer every day for a month.


Chapter 5 in the Big book has alot that helps understand beginning to do the work.


No right or wrong way to work the program what every works, work it. My sponsor always told me its in the big book if i had questions, so thats key to finding a solution for you. Going to meetings, getting a sponsor, and helping others doing service work was a fundamental part for me understanding my program. I have to live on a spiritual basis, and apply the principles and steps daily to help me stay teachable.


Personally I have to believe in a power greater than myself bc I’m not one of those people who can say I don’t think about drinking but somehow something is keeping me sober. The people at meetings with years of sobriety are a power greater than me, my sponsor, lots of people on here, these all contribute to my sobriety along with a couple of prayers every day just bc I’ll do anything to stay sober. So tommorow when you wake up sober stop and think for a bit about what the hell is doing it and if like me you haven’t got a clue then good, just maybe there is a power greater than us doing its thing.

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For me, I had to write a list of the “insanities” of drinking and the opposite “sanity”
e.g. insanity - being hungover at work vs sanity - having energy and concentration at work

Step two for me was a huge leap of faith. I was not 100% sure what this power greater than myself was but I surely knew that I needed to be restored to sanity. I had to have faith that there was a possibly that it could happen.
“We came to believe…” we found faith
“… that a power greater than ourselves…” for me in that moment it was the program of NA and the fellowship, I put all my faith in that.
“… could restore us to sanity” It doesn’t say will restore us, it says the possibility is there.

So when I was doing my step two I translated that into.
We had faith that if we put the work into a program of recovery the insanity could stop.

As my as spiritually has grown over the last 18 months my HP has developed so next time i do a step two I could very well see things differently.

I do agree you should have a sponsor…


On point my friend. You are experiencing the miracle of THE program of Alcoholics Anonymous at work in your life. The promises do come true. Proud of you Paul. :heart:


You need a sponsor for guiding you through the steps , like driving a car you wouldnt sit in the drivers seat and not driving before might cause a accident . its better you get a instructor to show you how its done wish you well


You just have to come to realize that a power greater than you can restore your sanity. It is in the writing not that it will not that it had but that it can of you believe it will.