Can someone explain AA service positions?

Hi TS friends,

I’ve recently been nominated and accepted the position of Intergroup Rep for my AA home group. I have only the vaguest concept of what that position entails. I know I go to monthly meetings and we vote on stuff. Is there anyone in this community who has done this role who can explain it in more detail to me?


I was my home group’s rep for a while. You will attend the monthly Intergroup meeting with reps from other home groups. I always found it to be fun and pretty low key


Ok good to know, but what’s the primary purpose of the these meetings?

Discuss AA happenings at the local level. Events, new meetings, needs of the homegroyps


Is this like a district rep? Ive never heard of intergroups but im an alternate rep for my home group and we meet with other reps from our district monthly. Districts roll up to areas. Our area rep votes for all the districts

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Probably the same thing as a district rep, yes.

Sounds like what we call a GSR (general service rep) in my area. I would like to be one but can’t make the meetings because they are in the evening.