Can someone overcome sexual addiction

Hi guys can someone overcome sexual addiction.masterbation and pornography is killing me.i fill fucked up


Yes you can…

I had a major sex addiction in my 20’s…
It takes time and looking inside yourself at issues that have made you seek sex as your coping strategy.


Yes but you have to use that energy in some way. Masturbation releases A SHIT TON of energy, use that energy for something productive. I focused on eating right, jogging, gym, a new work place. Go for it!


I will let you know.

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You can overcome it. It takes time and effort in recovery work, and it is well worth the effort. I messaged you - we can chat there & hopefully we can work out some ideas for you!

One note I’ll leave here in the public thread is that Patrick Carnes had done some brilliant work in this area. He has many interesting interviews (and helpful recovery books / recovery programs); one of the interviews is here: