Can’t Forget

I can’t seem to ever get my past drunk mistakes out of my head. I’m almost 90 days sober, but I still think about the awful things I’ve done at least once a day. Does anyone know how to deal with this? How do I forgive myself?

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From what I heard at meetings is that working the steps of a program (Like NA and AA) helped them to get over their past and let go of their regret, resentment and guilt.


We’ve all done things we regret, no one is perfect. Parents tgat feel they’ve failed their kids, ppl robbing, prison …even worse.
Don’t let guilt bring you down, because it will with a lot of ppl in recovery. You can work the steps and self forgiving is in their program. congrats on the 90 days, that’s an awesome job :slightly_smiling_face:

You cant change the past. It is what it is but the good part is your not that person anymore. Dont live in the past or future. All you can control is what you can achieve today. Work on building yourself up achieve n over achieve. Maybe setting little goals to meet for bigger goals may help u see the progress your making sober vs hungover. You got this! tomorrow is just another day same shyt just another diaper…

Guilt and regrets are part of everyone’s life. You are not alone in this. Commit to becoming the best person you can possibly be, and then be better. If you feel you are in someone’s debt, try to make amends, and seek their forgiveness.

The biggest thing is this: you cannot change the past. Accept this. You can be better today. Commit to this. It does no good to get sober and be the same person you were drunk. If you were a mean drunk asshole, being a sober asshole doesn’t make the world better.

One of the best paths to redemption is service. Want to feel better about yourself? Make someone else’s life better. Volunteer at a shelter. Even if it’s painting walls and scrubbing toilets, you are making someone’s life better. If you can drive, deliver meals to shut-ins. Call up a nursing home and ask them if any of the residents don’t have any family to visit. Go spend time with them. Play cards, or chat with them. Find a local animal rescue and volunteer to work at their adoption events.

There is a world out there that needs you. Get out there and be you.


This is your brain’s way to manipulate you. I think you just need to get them out of your mind. Try to be busy with something that you enjoy. Because I am literally experiencing this thing whenever I try to quit. Especially when I reach a week or more.