Can you work the steps without a sponsor? Can you find a sponsor online?

Hi, I’m Brittany, I am a grateful recovering addict. I am 2 years and 11 months sober. Even though I’m not exactly a “newcomer” to recovery, I have never worked the steps. I have never sought after a sponsor. I am at a place in my life where I realize that because I never really dug deep and put in the proper work on myself, (our secrets keep us sick) my life is still a complete mess, actually in a worse place than where I began this journey. (I recently went through a devastating heartbreak because I never really put the work into myself and did the proper healing needed to figure myself out… I am currently moved back to a very toxic situation, and I have started back from scratch, to build my life a new) I DO NOT have the itch/urge to go back to using or wanting to go back to that life. I just want to be a better person, and get my life put back together.

Can I work the steps without a sponsor? Can you find a sponsor online? Is it more beneficial to find a local sponsor? (I have been attending international Zoom 24/7 marathon meetings - - I have had mixed feelings regarding going to physical NA meetings due to “13th steppers”…I have had interesting experiences before)


Hi Brittany! Welcome to TS and glad you’re here.
So, I would look for a ladies only meeting and ask a gal you identify with close by you. I’m a simple drunk and my 1st sponsor was a heroin addict. The disease is the same as you know and he was the best thing I could have ever had.
Online is…well, online. Sitting next to the person who you will connect with on so many planes is important, I feel.
Sorry your surroundings are so toxic but things get better as long as we don’t use or drink!
Hugs to ya & hope this helps.


The program is designed to be done with a sponsor. Runng our own programs is part of what got us in this mess.


Hi Brittany and welcome there are plenty of women’s na meetings which would be very beneficial as sponsorship is an in person kind of thing. Massive congratulations on 2 years 11 months🙏


Yes sponsor is a good idea if you want to go through the steps ,not a online guy so face to face would be better if you want a sponsor as suggested plenty of woman only meetings out there if you look wish you well


Welcome Brittany! :blush:
I personally like in person better but many have had success with sponsors online. I attend women only meetings on the site below. They’re called soul sisters with meetings Sun, Tues, Wed and Friday nights. Go up into the share box and announce that you’re looking for a sponsor. The ladies will reach out to you after the meeting by personal message. Continue coming to those meetings and announcing it until you meet the right one. Wishing you the best and hope to see you there.


Thank you so very much for the suggestions and the support! Appreciated more than you know

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Thank you very much! I will be there :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you so very much I appreciate you !

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Thank you very much appreciated!