Cant believe 35 days clean

Any advice on hearing voices I’ve only did my DOC (meth) for 2 years I’m in treatment and I want to know more if other people’s story on how they beat the voices


If you can believe it and you should. Because this new big step has just begun. First listen, attend to our plate and always be attentive. This is for life, there are no relapses if there is conviction, determination and if necessary (in my case it was 11 months of hospitalization) treatment. “…walker there is no path… the path is made by walking…” A. Machado


Ask your doctor or an addiction specialist. I had some auditory hallucinations while I was drinking,they resolved when I stopped drinking.

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Definitely speak to a doctor about this. They can help. And welcome to the community!!

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Congratulations on 35 daya clean!!! I used meth for 3 years at one point and when i got clean, i was still hearing voices, sounds, and occasionally seeing things. If it wasnt for the dr prescribing me the proper meds, idk how i wouldve stayed clean from that drug. Havent used it since and now im off the medications they had prescribed and no longer hear anything or see anything thay shouldnt be there :slight_smile: keep up the great work!!