Can't even look in the mirror

When i do my best to be sober I really struggle to even look at myself. I tell myself that I’m a disgrace and im stupid to let a silly thing like drink to take over my life…I have a mirror above my sink and when I wash my hands I can’t even look at it. All I see is someone who has let themself be controlled by alcohol. When i go sober, all I see in the mirror is this horrible,ugly person who cant even control their own life…yet when I drink I just laugh it off? Am I over thinking things? :frowning:


Well therapy,intense therapy might be needed.
Thoughts of worthlessness sober or drunk would lead you into drinking again.
Please look into groups or therapy to learn your not worthless,I have had a friend recently kill themselves and I do not want anyone else to get that lost.


If you stopped drinking anywhere from 1-7 days then what you are going through is shame and guilt. It will get easier if you stay sober and seek support. You’re not alone in those feelings. But at some point you got to lift yourself up and change your thinking in order to change behavior.


Hang in there bobby, sobriety in early stages can bring on massive bouts of depression and self loathing. I had to go see the doctor, he prescribed some new anti-depressants which help increase melatonin levels and thus sleep. So far so good, the disgust at myself is slowly turning into pride with medical help. Never been one for anti-depressants but it was going downhill quickly, feeling better 2 days in. Chin up and get help!


You’re not a disgrace. Change your self-talk, even if you have to force it at first. Get in touch with your inner self, perhaps even your inner child, and give yourself some love. You should be proud!


I can relate… I keep pretty well all of the mirrors at home covered all the time.
But yes, you may well still be over-thinking things. If you’re making a real effort to stay sober, then that’s a good thing and you should appreciate your own efforts.
You can do it.


I feel the same exact way. I feel anxious and guilty, and really disappointed in myself. But these feelings will make us stronger. One day, after all of our hard work and sobriety, we will look at ourselves and be proud.


You’re not a bad person Bro. Just a sick person. Try not to worry about yesterday. Just stay sober for today and it Will get better


I saw Chris Herren speak - a Boston Celtics basketball player who was addicted to heroin. He goes around to speak at schools with messages about his story. One thing he said was that while he was using, he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror. Wasn’t until after several months of recovery he moved his razor from the shower to the sink. He was able to look himself in the mirror again. It took months.


Well, that’s great for him if he’s clean and can look at himself in the mirror.
Personally, I can’t… well, obviously it happens from time to time, but it’s certainly something that I avoid, and keeping the mirrors covered certainly helps.
Anyway, day 19… looking forward to 3 weeks.


Thank you for all the responses. I really appreciate all the help I’ve recieved.

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Alcohol is a powerful drug. It’s not hard to let it slowly brainwash you into thinking that’s the only way to gain pleasure or relieve stress. It’s not true and you need to recognize those feelings as artificial. It can happen to anyone. Alcohol is poison. Drinking is a controlled poisoning. Sometimes controlled.

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Completely agree with you.

Nice to wake up and see people wanting to help.never had this before so thank you :blush:

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Bobby you should be kissing that mirror cos the person looking back at you is strong n stunning. First and for most be kind to yourself you deserve kindness you deserve to be gentle on yourself. You are the one that holds the key and self love is major. It’s easy to put you self down hell that’s what we do and the world accepts it, the first thing we do is put ourself down and it’s wrong wr have to be kind to ourself first and formost to be able to give as much love to others. When we use our destruction of choice it’s often cos we don’t like who we are we treat our self’s horrible putting that poison in us. Isn’t it right bobby that right now you are been a good person to yourself? And why not I hope you can start to see this I fully understand you I’ve been there myself xxx

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